
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Health Minister visits District Hospital Gyalshing

GANGTOK, 27 Dec: Health Minister, DN Thakarpa visited the District hospital Gyalshing on Thursday and interacted with Chief Medical Officer, District Medical Superintendent, Senior Programme Officers, Specialists, Medical Officers and Nurses.
A press release informs that during the meeting he asked all the Doctors to maintain good relations with the patients, to keep the hospital clean and especially directed the Gynecologists to deliver the services promptly and effectively to avoid future complications. He also inquired about medicine stocks where the District Medical Superintendent, Dr Anusha Lama informed that there is sufficient stock of medicine.
The Minister also assured to look into the problems and grievances placed by CMO (West), Dr. Thinlay Wongyal and the Gyalshing hospital staff regarding shortage of Nurses and other supportive staff in the District hospital, it is informed.
Mr Thakarpa informed that one Medical Officer has been posted at District Hospital Gyalshing and assured that other equipments will be provided very soon so that quality health services is provided to all the patients. The Minister also directed the Chief Medical Officer to identify the remote and difficult areas so that a new Sub-centre can be constructed in the near future, it is further added.

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