
Friday, January 17, 2014

Apex court gives Centre 4 weeks to respond to Delay’s writ petition

GANGTOK, 12 Jan: The Supreme Court has given four weeks’ time to the Union of India for filing counter affidavit in response to the writ petition filed by Delay Namgyal Barfungpa and an intervention petition filed by Anand Lama and Ram Kumar Rai. The petitioners have challenged the Gazette Notification of the State Government on the extension of the Delhi Police Special Establishment Act to Sikkim.
The Supreme Court on 10 January, last Friday while hearing the parties, directed Rakesh K. Khanna, Additional Solicitor General for Union of India, to file counter affidavit within four weeks.  The Apex Court has granted such time after the Additional Solicitor General prayed for more time for filing counter affidavit.
According to Delay Namgyal the state issued the notification to thwart the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) probe into corruption charges against the Chief Minister and other ministers of his government.

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