
Friday, December 20, 2013

Yangang SDF youth clarify ‘incident’, absolve cops of any blame

NAMCHI, 19 Dec: Sikkim Democratic Front youth of Yangang have clarified that the allegations leveled against the police personnel of Yangang police outpost [“SDF youth accuse Yangang cops of shirking duty” in NOW! issue dated 19 December 2013] was the result of a “simple misunderstanding” and that, on hindsight, the police personnel were not to be blamed.
Lakpa Dorjee Bhutia, an SDF youth of Yangang, clarified today that the incident was “a simple misunderstanding between the youth of Lingmoo and Yangang and that police personnel could not be accused on the matter”.
The news report, he contended, was “totally misleading and false” and said that the police had nothing to do with the altercation between the youth.
He further said that if Lingmoo youth were upset about the incident, then he apologizes on behalf of SDF youth of Yangang. “We are extremely sorry if something wrong has happened to Lingmoo youth as we all belong to SDF family,” he said. “If Police has really done something wrong then I apologize as a responsible citizen and a sincere party worker,” he adds.

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