
Monday, December 16, 2013

Northerly winds with speeds upto 60 km/hr: Met Deptt

GANGTOK, 15 Dec: High speed winds last night took everyone in the State by surprise. Such weather is not expected at this time, or for that matter, at any other time of the year. There was no rain accompanying the winds which shook everything with a ferocity rarely seen before.
The reports that have started coming in speak of quite a lot of damage that the winds have brought with it which could be more when the dust finally settles.
State Meteorological Centre In-charge, Dr GN Raha explains that such windstorms allow only a few hours of lead time and make advance [24 hours or more] warnings impossible. The winds last night reached speeds upto 55 to 60 km/hour, he informs.
He adds that it was the northerly winds that caused the storm last night due to which there has been some increase in the temperature while the relative humidity has also dropped.

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