
Friday, December 6, 2013

Deptt releases funds for Blind School

GANGTOK, 05 Dec: The Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department today released Rs. 4.55 lakh towards the salaries and administrative costs of the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Institute for the Blind at Boomtar, Namchi. The institute, it may be recalled, had not received the required funds for the past five months from the Department [read “No funds in sight still for Namchi’s Blind School” in NOW! Issue dated 03 Dec 2013].
The 14 employees at JNMI, including teaching and non-teaching staff, who themselves are visually impaired had not been paid their salaries [ranging from Rs. 2,400 to 7,000 per month] or provided funds for maintaining the residential school which has 38 students for the past five months.
Speaking to NOW! today, Secretary, SWE&JD, GP Upadhaya, while confirming the release of funds, explained that the delay was due to the regularization process that was underway and the entry of the names of the employees in the state government roster. The institute was earlier funded by National Association for the Blind and was recently transferred to the Social Justice Department.
While informing that the department had released Rs. 4.55 lakhs towards the pending salaries of the employees [and advance salaries upto December] and funds for upkeep of the institute, he added that the process for issuing the order of appointments had caused the delay.
He also said that the employees would be able to draw their salaries up-till December starting tomorrow and that the pending funds for administrative costs had also been included in the Rs. 4.55 lakh that would enable the school to run smoothly in the future.
“The process has definitely taken time but finally the appointment orders are ready and all the employees of JNMI will be regularized within January 2014. I assure that everyone will be given their salaries before the holidays begin,” he stated.
Here, he informed that the confusion over the regularization criteria being set on merit was also something that needed to understood more clearly. He explained that as per the Sikkim State Direct Recruitment Rules, posts in government service were created for both the existing employees and also for new candidates. He added that 50 percent reservation was kept for existing employees and the remaining 50 percent for new appointments.
He added that this was also a rule that had been made mandatory by the Supreme Court of India and also the DoPT which is why the process needed proper verification from police and intelligence wings and took so long to complete.
Here, he also added that similarly, the Special School for Hearing Impaired, Namchi, Working Woman’s Hostel, Deorali and Destitute Home at Kaluk, West Sikkim have also been taken over by the SWE&JD.
“The office orders are ready and appointment letters of eight of the employees have already been typed. The remaining employees will get their appointment orders by end of January 2014. All the 14 employees will be absorbed but it has to be done by the book. There are no shortcuts and every aspect of the process has to be followed as it is the present norm,” he told NOW!
“I personally feel really bad that the process took so long to complete, the difficulties faced by the staff and the residents of the school is hard to justify but I assure all that the process is now over and the salaries will be deposited in their respective accounts,” stated the Secretary.

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