
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

24th installment of Bharat Nirman public info campaign in Sikkim to be held in Rongli

GANGTOK, 02 Dec: The 24th Bharat Nirman Public Information Campaign will be held at Rongli community hall in East Sikkim from 04 to 06 December. The last PIC for this financial year is being organized by Press Information Bureau [PIB], Gangtok in collaboration with the media units of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting including the DAVP, DFP, Song & Drama Division, Doordarshan, AIR and the East District administration.
This three-day multimedia public outreach programme is scheduled to be inaugurated by the East Zilla Adhyaksha, Bimal Dawari.
Addressing a press conference today, PIB [Gangtok] Director, CK Dorjee, informed that that this PIC will cover all GPUs and wards of the area. He adds that the event will have the participation of Panchayats, Self Help Groups, NGOs, school students and local people.
He also mentioned that the aim of the PIC was to create wider awareness on the various flagship programmes and schemes of the Central Government.
“The PIC is an initiative to take the right information to the doorsteps of the people and also to clarify any doubts in peoples mind over government schemes. The campaign will also help reduce the gap between the administration and the people,” he said.
The Director informs that over 700 Bharat Nirman PICs have already been organized across the country and this would be the 24th in Sikkim. During the three-day long campaign, PIB, DAVP, DFP along with different central & state government departments will put up stalls on the various developmental and welfare schemes initiated by the central government while the Sikkim AIDS Control Society and Panchayat bodies, Self Help Groups and NGOs will also put up stalls displaying their products and services.
Likewise, Sashastra Seema Bal is also organizing a three-day free medical-cum-veterinary camp at the venue, which will also be providing free medicines.
On the first day of the PIC, resource persons from various state government departments responsible for implementing various flagship programmes of the Central Government will give talks on MGNREGA, PMGSY and DBT Aadhar.
Similarly, the second day will see deliberations on Right to Education, RTI, Total Sanitation, Indira Awas Yojana and PM’s 15-Point Programme for Minorities. The concluding day will have sessions on National Rural Livelihood Mission, ICDS and NRHM, the recent initiative of the central government like Food Security Act and Land Acquisition Bill will also be in focus during the session.
The Director informs that the Directorate of Field Publicity started pre-PIC publicity today at villages and schools surrounding Rongli to highlight the major flagship programmes and garner people’s participation at the PIC with distribution of publicity materials.
Artists from the Song & Drama Unit, Kolkata, along with local artists will perform a number of cultural programmes besides magic and puppet shows during the three day public outreach programme. DFP will also organize essay writing, poetry recitation & elocution along with debate competitions among school students on various themes of the flagship programme. A healthy baby competition will be organized on 05 December by DFP.
The valedictory function will have the Chujachen MLA, Puran Gurung as the chief guest, while Chujachen zilla panchayat, Srijana Rai will preside over the second day of the PIC.

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