
Friday, November 22, 2013

No suspicions of foul play yet in SMIT student’s death AUTOPSY REPORT WILL CONFIRM CAUSE OF DEATH, COPS EXPLAIN

SINGTAM/ RANGPO, 21 Nov: Investigations related to the death of a 4th year student of Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majhitar on 15 November is still underway with the investigators waiting the autopsy report.
It may be informed that the 21-year-old girl from Bihar studying at SMIT, had been found dead in her hostel room. She was a final year student at SMIT with less than 13 days left for the completion of the course. The deceased had a good academic record and her untimely demise has raised considerable speculations over the past week.
A joint team from Singtam and Rangpo police is investigating the case and the autopsy report from SMIMS, Tadong, is expected to ascertain the cause of death.
When contacted, OC, Singtam Police Station, PI Chundi Chopel, informed that the autopsy report was expected any day now. While reiterating that this report will confirm the cause of death, he shared that preliminary investigation has thrown up no signs of foul-play.
It is informed that the roommate of the deceased had told police that on the night in question, she was studying while her friend was using the laptop. The next morning when she went to wake her friend, she was not breathing. This is all she could tell the police, it is learnt.
It is informed that immediately after the roommate raised an alarm, the hostel administration rushed the victim to Singtam Hospital where she was declared dead.
Police inform that the case was then reported to Rangpo PS which in turn forwarded the same to Singtam PS where the case was officially registered. The body of the deceased was sent for autopsy to Central Referral Hospital, Manipal after which it was handed over to the family.

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