
Saturday, November 2, 2013

CM announces construction of tourist spot at Lingmoo in South Sikkim

LINGMOO, 01 Nov [IPR]: Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling today made an announcement to construct a tourist spot in Lingmoo, Upper Tokday which is a remote area in the far corner of South Sikkim while speaking as the chief guest at a function here.
He was attending the inaugural function of the three-day Sikkim Adventure Tourism Festival 2013 in Lingmoo organized for the first time in this place by the Lingmoo Heritage Conservation Society in collaboration with other government departments.
The Chief Minister announced this while informing the public about the aim of the state government to create 100 tourist points in various parts of Sikkim. He further shared that the tourist spot in Lingmoo would be constructed in such a way so as to usher in urbanization in the place in a productive manner for the welfare of the public.
He called upon the public of Lingmoo for positive cooperation and participation in this developmental venture.
Speaking to the students he drew their attention towards changing their mindset to change the world. While highlighting about the various efforts of the government to encourage students from all the communities, the Chief Minister declared to provide for the first time in the state post-matric scholarship to the OBC students from the coming year.
Addressing the female students, he urged them to aim higher in life and dream big going beyond the common limit to take up extraordinary professions. Informing about the various facilities provided to empower women in all aspects, he asked them to avail all the benefits to empower themselves and move ahead to become exemplary leaders in the society.
Emphasizing on his mission to make the children of the underprivileged section competent in every aspect, Mr. Chamling said that it is his mission to provide all kinds of educational benefits to the children from the underprivileged section to make them equally capable and competitive as those of the privileged section.
It is the state government’s effort to prepare the students in such a way in order to be capable to meet the current demand of employment, said Mr. Chamling while informing them about the State Capacity Building initiatives.
Talking about the current issue of Ad-hoc Teachers strike, he appealed to the Ad-hoc Teachers to call off the strike and to resume their duties for the sake of the students’ future and studies. He said that the government would take their matter into consideration and come up with suitable solutions to handle their quandary. Meanwhile he informed that the Ad-hoc teachers who fulfill the qualification criteria as required by the HRDD will be regularized and the rest would have to get qualified as per the criteria.
The criteria would be to acquire B Ed certificate with 50%, secondly to pass the Teachers Eligibility Test and mandatory TTI training for the primary teachers. The state government will not compromise with the future of the students underlined the Chief Minister and asked the teachers to give top priority to building the future of the students.
He assured to look into the developmental demands placed before him by the committee on behalf of the Lingmoo public and take positive action upon the same.
Mr. Chamling along with the dignitaries visited the 11 traditional stalls set up at the venue. He was welcomed by all the communities in a traditional manner wherein they displayed an array of their respective culture and customs.
The organizing committee felicitated the Chief Minister during the program for his dynamic role in the development of the state. The festival was also attended by CB Karki [Area MLA/ RMDD Minister], Bhim Dhungel [Minister Tourism], Ugyen Gyatso [MLA], NK Subba [Chairman STDC], TN Sharma [Chairman OBC Board], CL Gurung [SDZP Adhakshya], HoDs, other dignitaries, students and local gentry.
Situated in the far corner of South Sikkim, Lingmoo is a remote village falling under Yangang Rangang constituency and so with the aim to gain positive exposure and make a mark in the tourism sector, the Lingmoo Heritage Conservation Society had organized this fest for the first time here. This fest also aims to highlight the traditional and cultural aspects of the different local communities in the three days program.

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