
Friday, October 4, 2013

Three-day workshop on Central Grants to PRIs concludes

GANGTOK, 03 Oct: The three-day workshop on Central Grants for PRI and PRI functionaries organized by the Rural Management and Development Department [RMDD] concluded in the capital today.
Minister RMDD, CB Karki was the chief guest of the programme which was also attended by the Secretary RMDD, DR Nepal, ADC East, Joint Secretary RMDD, other officials and the panchayat members.
The Minister, Mr Karki while addressing the panchayat members urged them to work hard in the interest of the people whom they are representing. “In democracy the people rule and we are just their servants to provide service to them”, he said and further urged the panchayats to respect the mandate of the people and the faith which has been bestowed on them.
The Secretary, RMDD asked the panchayats to work hand-in-hand with the government for the development of the state. Informing the panchayats about the various awards and honours received by the state he asked them to work hard to maintain the good image of the state.
A power point presentation was made by Joint Secretary, Norzing Tshering, RMDD in which she talked on the central grants that included the 13th Finance Commission, State Finance Commission and Backward Region Grants.
Panchayat Inspector, Zomden Lachungpa explained the usage of questionnaires prepared for the Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar.
The programme concluded by distribution of cheques to the panchayats under the 1st installment of National Rural Drinking Water Project and 2nd installation for 13th Finance Commission 2012-13.

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