
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teachers trained on Earthquake Safety Program for schools

GANGTOK, 29 Oct: District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) East in coordination with Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority organised a two-day workshop on “Creation of Training of Trainers (ToT) for Earthquake Safety Program in the Schools of East District”.
An official release informs that the earthquake which occurred on 03 October 2013 of magnitude 5 on Richter Scalehad created panic in the entire state. The people especially schools were not found ready and properly equipped to respond to such crisis. In view of this, the District Disaster Management Authority, Eastorganised the first level of the Earthquake Safety Program for all the schools in the East District.
The workshop sawenthusiastic participation by 87 teachers from different schools of East district. The participant teachers have been identified as the Master Trainers who are supposed to impart training to other teachers and students in their respective schools and colleges.
During the two-day workshop the teachers were informed about various kinds of disasters experienced in the district, overview of disaster management and do’s and don’ts on various disasters. The module for School Safety Plan was also discussed thoroughly.
In the first phase of the program the trained teachers are to conduct an awareness program in their schools and prepare and submit the school safety plans of their schools including the resource mapping and vulnerability mapping with the help of other teachers and students by the 2nd week of November 2013. In the second phase of the program the master trainers will be reproducing the same module in their feeder schools.
The basic idea is to train students especially small kids through demonstration to respond to any crisis. At the same time they are trained to contribute in the Early Warning mechanism. The program also had an experience sharing session with AK Bhandari, Headmaster, Aho School who has already prepared the School Safety Plan and conducted mock drills on earthquake and fire.
The program was attended by District Collector , East cum Chairman District Disaster Management Authority, East,Aunjaneya Kumar Singh. The resource persons for the training program were Sonam Wongyal Lepcha [DPO East],  Karma Dorjee Wazalingpa, [DPO, Hq] and Bijayata Kharel [Training Officer, East].

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