
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sikkim’s read for a Bandslam YESHI LHAMU

New bands have been forming with welcome frequency of late in Sikkim. Be it an all girl band or an all boy band, forming bands has definitely gained a lot of popularity in our State. It’s a good thing too seeing and observing the youth especially because they are getting to do what they love! They gradually gain some amount of confidence and with it develop a sense of responsibility.
We know not whether we are to say that our Sikkimese youth have been influenced or inspired by the Korean pop culture (k-pop) or by the Nepal pop bands that have been doing extremely well in this profession. Still this is definitely a good effort being put up by the Sikkimese youth. Appreciated!!
I accordingly came across one such band formed by our own people named “Verbalize” through the famous social networking site that is Facebook. When I happened to listen to their debut titled “Something about Us”, I began developing interest in the group and so decided to get in touch.
Verbalize was formed by two boys - Nipendra Singh and Roshan Chettri - early last year. They came up with this idea of recording a song because they wanted to come together and do what they love- that is to make music. They said they were kind of inspired and encouraged by the fact of how well the Sikkim originated band “Girish and the Chronicles” were doing despite the instability of this profession. They have until now negotiated with OMAS, have performed at NH 31A and are looking forward to reach out to a larger audience in the coming future.
Nipendra says, “Even though we don’t have much support compared to others but we hope to make it big one day”.
This discussion, or an interview if you would rather call it that, made us think about the idea of the battle of the bands in Sikkim. It would be very interesting to have a battle of bands - a “Bandslam” - in Sikkim. Considering, the enthusiasm which has been seen over the years, especially among the teenagers! And now that we think even the organisation which takes the initiative to organize it would earn a good profit if we are to think financially as, the return would definitely be good as never has such a thing been organised in Sikkim.  
If this was to take place I think the confidence of the teenagers would definitely be on high and those who plan to pursue their career in this field would definitely emerge more confident. Whether they win or not would be a secondary but simply the platform provided would be made best use of.
Therefore even though this is no less than a fantasy but let’s hope and look forward to encountering a program as such and if we are to observe then it seems to me that it won’t be long before some organisation takes the opportunity to organise one such program or a competition in Sikkim very soon. Bandslam according to us will be declared very soon!!
Our best wishes to all the upcoming bands like Verbalize, Genesis of pink, Still waters, Sagar Pradhan who is a rapper and many others who are yet to come in the spotlight. Meanwhile, Verbalize has invited readers to find them on facebook and check out their work…
[the writer is a class XII student in a Gangtok school]

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