
Monday, October 28, 2013

Make Ad-hoc teacher appointment details public: BJYM

GANGTOK, 27 Oct: Bharatiya Janta Yuva Morcha [BJYM] Sikkim president, Shanti Sharma has welcomed the Human Resources Development Department Minister, NK Pradhan’s invitation extended to the Ad-hoc teachers on strike for a meeting to discuss the issue.
In a press release, Ms Sharma has stated that it is a “progressive step” taken by the Minister and adds that hunger strike is not the solution to any problem. Expressing hope that the meeting would be fruitful she has however asked the HRDD to make the terms and conditions of appointment of ad-hoc teachers public.
“What is the condition under which they have to be appointed every year and why are they paid salaries for only 8 months?” questions Ms Sharma. She further asks if their experience as ad-hoc teachers will be considered in place of a B Ed degree.

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