
Friday, October 11, 2013

ICAR foundation day celebrated

GANGTOK, 10 Oct [IPR]: Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), Sikkim Centre at Tadong organized a series of programmes today to celebrate its 38th Foundation Day. Apart from VIP attendance, the day also included the felicitation of 12 ‘progressive farmers’ from different parts of the State for their “outstanding contributions in the field of agriculture”.
The event was themed, “Technological Empowerment through Input Support System” and had the Minister for Agriculture and Horticulture, DN Takarpa, present as the chief guest, accompanied by Chairman, Agriculture and Horticulture Board, DN Sapkota as guest of honour. Also present were Secretary, Animal Husbandry Department, DP Sharma, Secretary Agriculture Department Santa Pradhan, Principal Director Agriculture PT Bhutia, Joint Director ICAR-Sikkim RK Avasthe, scientists, officials from State Agriculture Department, extension functionaries, representatives of NGO’s and farmers from different parts of the State.
Mr. Takarpa, in his inaugural address, congratulated ICAR on completion of 37 years of service in the field of agriculture research and training. While maintaining that the State Government has benefitted from the technical know-how provided by ICAR, the Minister stated that much more needed to be done in terms of development and sharing of high yield indigenous disease resistant seeds, technological assistance for soil and water management for improved cultivation, improved technological support for animal farming for better health of people and increased profitability, introduction of low cost crop and animal production for high commercial returns, emphasis on off-season crop production, support to farmers on grafting and budding technology, and heifer and bull calf rearing. He further stated that the ICAR has a major role in sustaining the State Organic Mission.
Earlier, Secretary Animal Husbandry Department, Mr. Sharma, in his brief address, informed that the State is now self sufficient in the field of Dairy Production and that the market beyond the State needed to be explored.
He stressed on the need to integrate agriculture and animal husbandry to derive optimum benefit to the stakeholders. The Secretary stated that the Department expected support from ICAR in terms of technical know-how and training in areas of animal husbandry, fisheries, and fodder development for optimum production and high commercial returns.
The programme was also addressed by Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Horticulture Mr. Pradhan. He advocated participation of educated youth in the field of agriculture and horticulture. He urged ICAR to provide consistent support to the Department in research and development. He further suggested for the setting up of a mechanism where the latest findings of the ICAR is communicated to the Department and concerned stakeholders before being introduced in the fields.
On the occasion, the Foundation Day Key Lecture on “A way forward towards the agricultural development of Sikkim” was delivered by Joint Director ICAR Sikkim Centre Dr. Avasthe.
The programme also saw the felicitation of twelve progressive farmers from different parts of the State for their outstanding contribution in the field of agriculture. The farmers felicitated were Mrs Kesang Lepcha, Mrs Man Kumari Chettri, Mrs Gyamshey Bhutia, Mrs Gyamit Lepcha, Mr Gokul Rai, Mr Kailash Rana Mangar, Mr Om Prashad Chauhan, Mr Kamal Kumar Chettri, Mr. Ugen Tshering Lepcha, Mr Samro Ugen Palzor Lepcha, Mr Phur Tenzing Sherpa and Mr Tshering Gyatso Lepcha.
The Programme also witnessed the release of technical folders, input distribution among farmers, field visit by the dignitaries and farmers-scientists’ interaction cum experimental field visit in the ICAR Research Farm.

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