
Monday, October 21, 2013

Golay receives 391 from his former constituency into SKM

GANGTOK, 20 Oct: Former MLA PS Tamang [Golay] today received 391 members into the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha from his former constituency, Upper Burtuk, here at the party head office. The 391 were introduced as SDF members who have now cast their lot with the SKM. The ward level committee for Upper Burtuk constituency was also formed today.
Addressing the gathering later, Mr. Tamang accused the SDF and his former leader, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, for having conspired to ensure that he could not work for the people of his last constituency.
While reiterating that he was not even interested to contest the 2009 elections, Mr. Tamang thanked the people of Upper Burtuk for having lavished support on him in the last elections and for continuing to have faith in him.
He lashed out against the CM, his leadership, government and his former party in his address and stated that “SKM was not formed just to fight the coming elections, but to be able to fight for the rights and be able to provide justice to the youth and the people of Sikkim”.
Earlier, the SKM publicity secretary, MN Dahal, stated that the party did not consider the approaching elections as a challenge and was instead keener to secure and provide proper justice to the youth. In Mr. Tamang, SKM has found the perfect leader to address issues facing the youth of Sikkim, he said.

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