
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Third meeting of State Board of Livelihood Schools convened

GANGTOK, 24 Sept: The State Board of Livelihood Schools convened its third meeting on Monday at the conference hall of Directorate of Human Resource Development, Khadi Bhavan, Deorali, Gangtok. The meeting was presided over by Minister of Human Resource Development Department, NK Pradhan who is also the Chairman of the State Board of Livelihood School.
A press release informs that the objective of the meeting was: to formulate the principles, guidelines in curricular development, restructuring of the training modules and updating of syllabi; to make sure the culture of the progress, focus and outcomes is put in place in all livelihood schools; to review the working of all Livelihood schools so that there is alignment in standards and performance; to devise Methods, Rules and Regulations for full proof and standard examination system for Livelihood Schools by formulating examination by-laws and akin themes, and; to work out the road map to achieve the goal of youth empowerment policy of the State Government.
Chief Administrator, SICB, SD Dhakal who is also the Member Secretary of State Board of Livelihood School, in his address conveyed the gathering about various works accomplished by State Board of Livelihood School (SBLS) till date.
He explained the aims and objectives of SBLS viz promotion of skill development by providing certificates and Mark Sheets to successful trainees of Livelihood Schools, creation of quality vocational institutions within Sikkim State in the generic name of Livelihood Schools, providing viability gap to build vocational training initiatives, providing support systems such as quality assurance, information systems, curriculum, faculty and their training, standards and quality assurance, technology platforms, student placement mechanisms and setting up standards and accreditation systems in partnership with industry associations. All these with participation of industry would improve quality of human resources and training the trainer academies either directly or through partnerships.
The meeting was chaired by Chairman of State Board of Livelihood School (SBLS), HRD Minister NK Pradhan. The members of SBLS discussed various agenda viz Certification of Syllabus of newly introduced Courses/ Trades like Primary Teachers Training, Home Stay, Orange Rejuvenation and Computerized Financial Accounting (Tally), Framing of rules and regulation for running of State Board of Livelihood Schools, functioning of Member Secretary of SBLS, Appointment and functioning of Controller of Examination SBLS, Constitution and function of Academic Council of SBLS, and construction of various Livelihood Schools, Collaboration with Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), a constituent of NCERT, MHRD, Government of India, Bhopal and IGNOU, New Delhi.
The Minister in his presidential address elaborated on the vision of the state government of making the Livelihood Schools people-centric to provide the skills to the disadvantaged section of the society at their doorstep.
“This gives equity and justice to the marginalized section of the society,” he said.
He asked the Board Members present and SICB officials to work as a part of the State Skill Development Mission (SSDM) to fulfill the growing need in Sikkim for skilled manpower across sectors and narrow the existing gap between the demand and supply of skills. This Board should function in Mission mode and address the challenge of imparting the skills required by a growing economy, said the Minister.
Principal Secretary, HRDD, Thomas Chandy stressed on obtaining support and coordination from private sectors and for Industry linkages of Livelihood Schools. He also called for significant operational and financial involvement from the private sector and focus on the unorganized or informal sector workforce.
He mentioned that with fast changing skills in the labour market, focus should be on short, relevant and effective courses that would get candidates into the workplace. He further suggested in bringing the elements of CBSE and National Vocational Education Qualification Framework [NVEQF] in the syllabus /course content developed by the SICB.

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