
Friday, September 27, 2013

SKM forms block-level committee at Hee

 GANGTOK, 26 Sept: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha constituted its block-level committee for Hee Gram Panchayat under Maneybong-Dentam constituency today during a meeting held at Bhaktaman Limboo’s house in Hee, West Sikkim. The meeting was chaired by Kul Bahadur Bisht and Jit Bahadur Phurumbo and had youth wing vice-convener Topzang Bhutia as the chief guest.
An SKM release informs that the newly constituted body has JB Bisht as president, Sonhang Subba as vice-president, Pahalman Subba as general secretary, Laxmi Bhandari as joint secretary, Raju Pant as publicity secretary, Sumitra Subba as assistant publicity secretary, Ashok Gurung as treasurer, Renuka Chettri as women’s wing convener and Bhim Maya Limboo as women’s wing vice-convener.
It is informed that 32 persons were also appointed as members of the block level committee.
The chief guest, Topzang Bhutia congratulated the new office bearers of the block level committee and encouraged them to work sincerely for the people. He also alleged that the ruling party has failed to make Sikkim a poverty free state and solve the unemployment problem during its 20-year tenure.

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