
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sensitization held on Rural Godown Scheme

GANGTOK, 25 Sept: A district-level sensitization programme on Rural Godown Scheme organized by NABCONS (a subsidiary of NABARD) was conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gyaba, West Sikkim.
The programme was attended by Programme Coordinator, KVK West Sikkim, Dr. Laxuman Sharma, Bankers of West district, officials from Agriculture department, officials from NGOs functioning in West Sikkim, Officials of KVK and members of Farmers Clubs.
General Manager (IOC), NABARD, Gangtok, RP Bhargava inaugurated the programme and briefed the participants on the Scheme and apprised the house that Bankers and Agencies can play a very important role in popularizing the Rural Godown Scheme and its benefit of credit linked back-ended subsidy, informs a press release.
The major objectives of the scheme is to create scientific storage capacity with allied facilities in rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce, processed farm produce and agriculture inputs; promotion of grading, standardization and quality control of agricultural produce to improve their marketability; prevention of distress sale immediately after harvest by providing the facility of pledge financing and market credit; strengthen agricultural marketing infrastructure in the country by paving the way for introduction of national system of warehouse receipts of agricultural commodities stored in such godowns and reverse the declining trend of investment in agriculture sector by encouraging private and cooperative sectors to invest in the creation of storage infrastructure in the country.
AGM, NABARD, V Savardekar detailed that the scheme assistance is available to individuals, farmers, group of farmers/growers, partnership/proprietary firms, NGOs, SHGs, companies, Federation, Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees, Marketing Boards and Agro processing corporations in the entire country. Under the scheme subsidy at 33.33 % for Northeastern states, hilly area, women farmers, SHG, cooperatives and SC/ST entrepreneurs and their groups/cooperatives subject to maximum ceiling of Rs 62.50 lakh is available. Whereas, 25 % subsidy can be availed by the agriculture graduates, farmers other than SC/ST, cooperatives, State/Central warehousing corporation subject to maximum limit ceiling of Rs 46.87 lakh. NABARD will be administering the subsidy and monitoring the progress of the scheme.

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