
Friday, September 27, 2013

MGNREGA social audit conducted at Hee-Gyathang

MANGAN, 26 Sept: The MGNREGA social audit process of Hee-Gyathang GPU in Dzongu was conducted by Kapinzal Social Foundation [an NGO] from 20 to 24 September.
The social audit process included bill segregation, document verification, implementation of MGNREGA details, field visit and measurement of works and Jan-Sunwai [public hearing].  The exit conference will be held on 27 September at Mangan.
North Zilla Adhyaksha Anguli Lepcha in her address stated that, all the works should be carried out with proper transparency and added that public participation is most important.
The programme was attended by ADC (Development), ADPCAPO (HQ), Gram Vikash Adhikari (Passingdang), APO Zilla, DPC representative, GRS, SAU director, Panchayat secretary, Zilla Panchayat, job card holders and the local public.

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