
Friday, September 27, 2013

Induction of new Duche of Old Rumtek Monastery

GANGTOK, 26 Sept: A general meeting of the newly formed Duche and Zinda [sponsors] representatives from thirteen blocks of Old Rumtek Monastery was held under the president-ship of Rinzing Bhutia of Rumtek on 24 September to discuss issues relating to the Old Rumtek Monastery and its development.
A press release informs that the meeting discussed the 2013 Gutor Puja, induction of Duche Committee Dorchung-Uchung, handing over of assets of Monastery to new Duche and provision of food for the monks.
The meeting was convened by Lama Sonam Pinto [Chultimpa]. Both the Lama and Zindas of Sha Chusom participated in the discussion and expressed their views during the meeting. The prominent speakers were Lama Karma Dorjee [Dorji Lopen], Lama Palden Bhutia [Chikhayabo], Lama Rinchen [Omjey]. Also present were Karma Tshering Bhutia of Tirkutam, CN Bhutia of Sang, Rinchen Lepcha [Panchayat].
After thorough discussion Lamas and Zindas of Old Rumtek Monastery appointed Lama Chopel Bhutia of Martam as ‘Dorchung’ and Adup Lepcha Lama of Marchak as ‘Uchung’, the release informs. In the meeting, it was also decided that the upcoming Gutor puja will be performed in a grand manner. The public and dignitaries will also be invited for the puja, it is added.
Regarding handing over of assets and accounts of the monastery a legal notice was served to Lama Dup Tshering [former Dorji Lopen] one month before but no response has been received from his side, the releases mentions.
In this regard Lamas and public have decided to approach the government and the Ecclesiastical department on 30 September. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks presented by Chultimpa of the Monastery.

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