
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 GANGTOK, 23 Sept [IPR]: The first state-level workshop on Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana was organized by the Department of Labour in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Employment here in the capital today. RSBY provides health insurance cover to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
The main objective of the scheme is to protect these families from shocks related to expenses on healthcare by improving access to health and reducing out-of-pocket expenditure.
Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, KT Gyaltsen, was present as the chief guest accompanied by the Minister for Health, DN Thakarpa, as the guest of honour.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Central and State governments regarding implementation of RSBY in Sikkim was also signed today during the workshop. The state government was represented by Secretary, Department of Labour, CT Wangdi, while Director General, Labour Welfare, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Rajeev Sadanandan represented the Central Government.
While addressing a gathering of bureaucrats, medical officers, stakeholders, councilors, Adhakshya and Upadhakshyas from all four districts along with the Gangtok Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the chief guest, Mr. Gyaltsen expressed his happiness that the RSBY scheme has been given a green signal by the state government and called it a very positive, extremely helpful and noble scheme for the BPL families.
Lauding the efforts of the state government, he informed that this is the result of good governance in the state that such schemes are here for the poor and needy and further expressed hope that the implementing agencies will implement the scheme sincerely and with full dedication.
“The dream of the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling is to see the people of Sikkim healthy, in high spirits and with high happiness index and if this sort of schemes are implemented earnestly by the implementing agencies then the dream of the Chief Minister will soon be realized”, he added.
Mr. Gyaltsen also hoped that the private company which has been assigned to provide health cover to the families will work well and give the best possible service without any complications and confusion.
Earlier the workshop began with the welcome note by Secretary Department of Labour, Government of Sikkim, CT Wangdi while Director General Labour Welfare, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, Rajeev Sadanandan highlighted on RSBY and gave an overview of the scheme.
Mr. Sadanandan also informed that RSBY was launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, in the year 2008 and has been acknowledged as a game changer in improving financial risk protection in the health sector in India.
He also added that RSBY is a smart card based cashless and paperless social health insurance scheme which provides annual hospitalization cover up to Rs 30,000 for a family of five members, through health insurance companies.
The family will only have to pay a registration fee of Rs 30 and get RSBY smart card which helps in accessing empanelled hospitals across the country for in-patient treatment.
A short film on RSBY was also screened during the workshop which also saw an interactive session. Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company will provide insurance security in Sikkim.

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