
Monday, September 30, 2013

Health awareness and check-up at Lower Dzongu

MANGAN, 29 Sept: A daylong NABARD sponsored awareness cum general health camp (under WADI Project) was organized here at Gor Secondary School Ground on 27 September for Lum/ Gor/ Sangtok and Hee-Gyathang GPUs of Lower Dzongu, North Sikkim. The camp was held in co-ordination with District Hospital Mangan.
The programme started with the welcome address, introduction and a brief description about the programme by Tshering Norbu Bhutia [Asst Project Officer]. Thereafter, awareness session started with a presentation on MDR Tuberculosis by Dr. CS Rai [STNM Hospital] where it was stated that a large number of people are falling prey to the disease. This disease will not stop unless people are more aware, he said and urged people not to hide the disease but consult with doctors.
Panchayat Secretary [Lum/ Gor/ Sangtok] Tshering Gyatso Lepcha highlighted that a lot of people from the GPU suffer from MDR Tuberculosis and requested the Health Department to focus on the issue. He also urged all the villagers to know more about the disease.
Project Co-ordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) North, Tshering Thendup Bhutia highlighted about the programme and WADI Project.
The chief guest Zilla Adhakshya North, Anguli Lepcha while addressing the function appreciated the effort of KVK North and doctors for organizing such a public welfare camp. She also urged the people educate themselves on the various diseases and to visit the nearest health centre in time.
After the awareness session, a medical team comprising of seven doctors and paramedical staff from STNM and District Hospital Mangan examined the patients for multiple ailments related to Hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiac, Gynae, Pediatrics etc. and prescribed suitable medicines to more than 490 patients who had turned up at the medical camp today. Free medicines were distributed to the patients.
Also during the function, 11 schools from both GPUs were provided with water filters by the KVK and different vegetable seeds were provided to farmers.
A large number of people comprising of women, children, senior citizens, teachers, students of different schools of Lower Dzongu attended the programme.

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