
Monday, September 30, 2013


Letters:- The decision of the State Government to distribute laptops to school and college students has created quite a buzz in Sikkim. Skeptics view it as a political gimmick while others see it as a welcome initiative - a much needed push for students who want to excel but have limited resources. But critics will always complain. After all that is what they do best.
Ok first let’s try and understand the evolution of education in India. Education in India can be traced back to the 3rd century BC. Teachings were imparted orally. And temples of learning like Taxila and Nalanda emerged during the medieval period before the British introduced the western form of education. And after India’s independence, education became the responsibility of the States.  It was only in 1976 that education became a joint subject of the Centre and the States. Today education has transcended all boundaries and has even entered the cyber space. Online learning has taken the country by a storm.
We are living in the 21st century no matter how much we try to live in the denial mode. We have to acknowledge that we need technology more than technology needs us in a digital age where everything is on the verge of going wireless. But if we choose to remain cynical about change and progress, then it would not be fair on our part to promise that we want our students to become true blue 21st century citizens. We would be lying if we say that we want our students to become global leaders but deprive them of opportunities to learn and grow. The laptops will help them to be better certainly.  More than 5925 school students and 3382 college students will benefit from the laptop distribution. The first phase of the distribution will cover schools and colleges of the East and North districts.
Ok coming back to the laptops, we need not suffer from a complex. New ideas and new thoughts are always welcome. Ok let me get this straight. The laptop distribution is not going to give birth to militants or distract students so much that they will fail in their examinations.  It is not going to pose any threat to our border State and neither will it help the Government win the ensuing election.  Laptops will help students reach out and learn and broaden their horizon beyond the four walls of the classroom. Period! Let us wish the students the best of everything. May they achieve excellent results and achievements through the dint of their hardwork.
Suman Sharma, Gangtok

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