
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Violence Against Women

 Wednesday was International Women’s Day. Given the rising awareness and growing societal engagement to end violence against women and girls, it would be apt for Sikkim too to address this issue, focussing not only on violence visited by strangers, but the violence that too many women suffer at home. Most women who call a helpline dedicated to counselling women in distress in Sikkim are victims of domestic abuse. Victims who dial for help secure a chance to escape the violence they suffer. Unfortunately, they form a very small percentage of the women who actually suffer domestic violence; most of the cases are not even reported. Even as claims are made of the laws being strengthened and women empowered, fact remains that domestic violence not only continues, but more unfortunately, also remains largely unaddressed. Strengthening laws alone cannot make women safer until and unless the social conditions that trap women in abusive relationships are reformed. Family members and even neighbours mostly get involved to sweep such incidents under the carpet and keep the couple “together”, instead of trying to at least secure professional help by way of counselling for the abusive partner. It is not the fear social stigma that keeps the problem unaddressed, but the lack of societal support.

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