
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tibetan Parliamentarians in Sikkim seeking solidarity and support for the Tibetan cause

GANGTOK, 08 May: A three-member delegation of parliamentarians of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile is in Sikkim at present as part of a massive nationwide “All Indian Parliamentary Lobby Campaign” of the Central Tibetan Administration. The team has been led by Pema Jungney, a former Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in-Exile [TPE], and includes Yangchen Dolkar and Dhardon Sharling.
The Tibetan Parliament in Exile has launched a massive ‘All Indian Parliamentary Lobby Campaign’ this year to highlight the critical situation inside Tibet and to seek timely support of the Indian leaders and people in powering a global intervention to end the crises inside Tibet.
Addressing a press conference here today, Mr. Jungney highlighted that since the year 2009, Tibetans inside Tibet have been increasingly resorting to a new form of non-violent protest- that of self-immolation. He informed that there was record of 117 Tibetans including men, women, monks and nuns having set themselves alight from 27 February 2009 to 24 April 2013 protesting the brutal Chinese rule in Tibet. 100 of these Tibetans have succumbed to their injuries.
“They have raised a clarion call for freedom inside Tibet and the return of HH the Dalai Lama to Tibet. Tibet today remains under virtual lockdown and there is a communication blackout exacerbating the situation,” he added.
Mr. Jungney informed that the fight leg of North-East zone lobby campaign started with Gangtok on 03 May. He informed that over the past five days, the delegation met the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Speaker and Deputy Speaker, HRDD Minister, Power Minister, PHE Minister, Agriculture Minister, Tourism Minister, Health Minister, Lok Sabha MP, and Gangtok MLA and Chief Secretary, Rinchen Ongmu and explained the situation inside Tibet to them.
Mr. Jungney informed that Sikkim’s leaders expressed full support for the Tibetan cause and likewise, other MLAs were also appraised of the campaign and its goals through a memorandum sent via priority mail. The delegation, along with the Tibetan Settlement Office and other Tibetan organizations of Gangtok, also organized a mass candlelight vigil on Tuesday evening here to register solidarity with the sacrifices made by Tibetans inside Tibet.
Responding to media queries, Ms Dolkar expressed that in comparison to other states of India, Sikkim and its people have always been more supportive to the Tibetan cause. She stressed that there have been no instances of discrimination against Tibetans in Sikkim where Tibetans have always enjoyed at par status as citizens here. She conveyed the community’s thanks to the state government and the people for providing such status to Tibetans in Sikkim and expressed hope continued support in future as well.
Ms. Sharling, in turn, mentioned that during their present campaign, the delegation has been meeting political leaders of different parties and urging them to stand together in support for the Tibetan cause. She added that the TPE has been requesting for expressions of solidarity and condemnation of Chinese atrocity in Tibet.
“A number of governments around the world have openly pressured the Chinese government on the current crises in Tibet. We appeal to the Central and State governments in India to engage in similar urgent diplomatic action,” they appealed.
The delegation further appealed Indian leaders for substantial and public expression of solidarity and support amid the unprecedented spate of self-immolation by Tibetan inside Tibet and the subsequent deepening crackdown by Chinese government. They have further urged the Indian leadership to engage in urgent diplomatic actions pressuring the Chinese Government on various fronts.
After a successful lobbying campaign in West Bengal, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Sikkim the delegation will now visit Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya for the campaign.

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