
Friday, January 25, 2013

Workshop on Primary Education gets underway at Arithang Livelihood School

GANGTOK, 23 Jan: A five-day workshop for Certificate in Primary Education [Primary Teachers’ Training Course] was inaugurated by the Labour Department Secretary, CT Wangdi here at Arithang Livelihood School today.
A total of 54 trainees from different parts of the state are taking part in this workshop, which is being hosted by the Regal Institute of Management Studies [RIMS] with the support of the State Institute of Capacity Building [SICB], Karfectar.
In his inaugural address, Mr Wangdi stressed that as government jobs have reached a saturation point such skill development trainings were essential to equip the youth to take advantage of opportunities in and outside the state. It is a unique effort by the state to come forward and use its own resources to provide such workshops to its people by for skill development, he added.
In this regard, the Secretary urged the trainees to complete the training and to use the skills learnt. He pointed out that there are lots of opportunities in teaching in and outside the state and urged the trainees to take advantage of these opportunities.
SICB Chief Administrator, SD Dhakal gave a brief presentation on the role of teachers. He encouraged the trainees to be the ideal role models for students and stressed that a teacher should have leadership quality to lead students towards a creative and constructive path. He also spoke on the new skill requirements in the teaching profession and qualities of an ideal teacher.
Likewise, SICB Deputy Director, IBS Yadav presented the aims and objectives of the workshop. He informed that one of the objectives of the workshop is to develop knowledge and understanding of primary school curriculum and to develop skills and competencies required in teaching effectively.
The inaugural session was followed by the technical sessions of the workshop.
The technical part will also have plenary sessions for the trainees along with presentations, group discussions etc. The workshop has resource persons from SICB Karfectar and Arithang Livelihood School along with guest resource persons from Sikkim Government B Ed College, Soreong and the State Council of Educational Research & Training, HRDD.

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