
Monday, January 7, 2013

Change in social mindset imperative, notes State Commission for Women

GANGTOK, 06 Jan: Sikkim State Commission for Women has expressed deep anguish over the recent death of a woman and her newborn child at Namphey near Pakyong as she attempted a secret unassisted childbirth.
A press release issued by the Chairperson of the Commission, Subhadra Rai, states that “fear of the society” must have driven her to take such a drastic step. It may be mentioned here that a 25-year-old woman was found dead beside a kholcha in Pakyong sub division along with her new born infant on 01 January.
The incident, the release states, “reflects the social mind set against women and unless we the society as a whole bring about a change such cases will continue to occur”.
Despite the emphasis on the status of women in society, gender equality and empowerment of women from various quarters, the “deeply ingrained patriarchal system and dominating nature of men” is to be blamed for such incidents, the Commission notes.
Further stating that women need to raise their voice against such acts the release adds that education can bring about a change in the long run.

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