
Friday, January 4, 2013

Attempt at secret and unassisted childbirth claims mother and newborn

GANGTOK, 03 Jan: Social stigma continues to haunt women in these days of supposed liberalization, whether it be due to rape or unwanted pregnancies. A 25-year-old woman was found dead beside a kholcha in Pakyong sub division along with her new born infant on 01 January. The woman, as per initial police investigations, had gone to the secluded place on the night of 31 December and delivered the child by herself.
Neither the mother nor the baby survived the childbirth. The mother probably succumbed to the immense trauma coupled with complications arising from the unassisted delivery while the newborn infant, a male child, is believed to have succumbed to the lack of care and the severe cold. The infant was found about 3 feet away from the mother. The place of delivery and death is Namphey Kholcha, Pakyong.
The deceased had married 4 years ago and had left her husband a year and a half back when he took on a second wife. During her marriage, she had been residing with her husband at Chanmari, Gangtok. After having left her husband, she came to Pakyong to live with her father at Namphey basti.
The woman was found lying in a supine position as was the deceased infant. No external injuries were found on either the deceased mother or child apart from an injury in the skull area of the woman.
The SDM Pakyong was soon requisitioned to conduct an inquest and the body thereafter forwarded to the STNM Hospital. During the inquest by the SDM accompanied by police personnel and witnesses, it was found that the woman had come prepared to deliver the child herself.
The police do not suspect any foul play in the incident and the assumption is that the woman had come prepared for giving birth to her child and had also chosen a secluded area which is covered with bushes and shrubs.

1 comment:

  1. There goes the myth that the Sikkimese society is woman friendly!!! these instances of discrimination against women, by way of taking a "kanchi", or by way of gang rapes are prevelant in the society but no one wants to acknowledge the existence. Every one buries their head and i even read a senior female bureaucrat praising the govt for its safeguards for women..... then one reads about the gang rape of pakyong and now tis


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