
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sikkim Almanac for all, and some other thoughts…

KC PRADHAN, Sikkim Senior Citizens’ Society

We applaud the Department of Information and Public Relations for bringing out the Government of Sikkim Almanac consistently for several years with precise holiday information. As a New Year dawns, we crave for a copy or two as it is undoubtedly the most authentic Calendar in any household to refer to on all occasions. The irony however is that except for regular Government employees, it is well nigh impossible for the rest to lay hands on one and one has to run from pillar to post to get a copy. It is alright for the people with resources by way of their children being in Government service but for the Senior Citizens and for the general public at large it is a herculean task and several weeks pass by before they manage to get a copy.
My humble suggestion is that the Almanac be sold through Newspaper vendors or Book sellers throughout the State as a priced publication well before the Year commences. It is perfectly alight for the Vendors to charge certain extra for the service. It is holiday time, and school children sitting idle could also sell them house to house with at marked up price and earn some pocket money. It will be appreciated if some thought could be given on this trifle but important initiative.
Similar lines of action could perhaps be thought of selling all government notifications and publications brought out by various Departments. Perhaps one window sale under department of IPR, no matter which Department publishes the Notification could also be given a thought.
Another issue on similar lines there is that there is no Sikkim Map that presents an updated picture of Sikkim roads and basic infrastructure. The Kingdom of Sikkim Map brought out by Prof Karan in the 1960s by the University of Kentucky, USA, was the most authentic Map with correct spellings of places in Sikkim. A similar but updated map in due consultation with the Survey of India is urgently required especially since there has been a boom in tourism and ridiculous spellings for place names given by all and sundry should be strictly curbed. When the Kingdom of Sikkim Map referred to above was contemplated, a special committee was constituted to verify correct spellings of places. A similar action is called required as it is beyond the Survey of India to do so due to unfamiliarly and significance of names to the organization, besides many organizations like Roads and Buildings, RDD, Forests have put in a number of roads under various programmes which all need to be collated and reflected in an authentic map for the benefit of all.

1 comment:

  1. Sir, knowing sikkim and the sikkimese...abho tah ko ley suncha hau suggestions lai. What were u as the honrable chief Secy doing while in office. May be you could have had the foresight to have done it. Till one occupies a place of power people listen to every word one utters but the minute you demit office no one bothers to even say hello saar how are you??


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