
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day begins tense at Namthang, ends with ‘incident’ at Phalidara

NAMCHI, 31 Oct: The day began tense and confrontational at Namthang here in South Sikkim today, and although the final panchayat campaign meeting of the “Golay camp” passed without incident at this South district town [which was witness to a violent clash on 14 Oct], the evening, as the motorcades returned, delivered one incident of violence at Phalidara, near Maniram Bhanjhyang, allegedly by a group of Golay supporters returning from Namthang to Namchi.
As per an FIR filed by ex Panchayat, Dinesh Pradhan, his house and vehicle were vandalised by a group of Golay supporters late this evening. He has named 13 supporters of SDF MLA, PS Tamang, as being involved in the attack.
Speaking to NOW! over the phone, Mr. Pradhan informed that his children, who were at home at the time, suffered minor injuries when his house was allegedly stoned by Golay supporters returning from the Namthang meeting. His two vehicles, a utility pick-up and a jeep, parked outside were also vandalised, he adds.
When contacted, the SP [South] Manoj Tiwari confirmed that the FIR has been received and a case registered. While no arrests had been made till the time of going to print, the SP informs that team has been constituted and arrests will now follow.
Earlier, Namthang witnessed some tense moments in the morning when Golay supporters got into a heated argument with the SP and DC over the change in venue proposed by the DC today.
It is learnt that although the meeting organisers had received permission to hold their meeting at Namthang bazaar, the district officials today directed them to hold their meeting at the Namthang school ground instead. In fact, the school was given a day off for today, perhaps in anticipation of this shifting of venue.
The proposal did not go down well with the Upper Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang, and his supporters who then got into a heated discussion with the officials and refused to budge from the venue they had already received permission for and had been prepared. This stand-off continued for around an hour and a half, and eventually they were allowed to hold the meeting at the bazaar itself.
When contacted to explain the last minute direction to change the venue, the SP [South] Manoj Tewari informed that this was proposed in light of a complaint received from the UD&HD. The UD&HD, it is learnt, had written to the Namchi SDM suggesting that political meetings not be allowed in the bazaar area at Namthang in light of the 14 Oct incident when the construction material kept in the bazaar area for the beautification works underway there was used in the violence. The SP informs that permission to continue with the meeting was granted after two leaders of the Golay camp gave an undertaking that UD&HD stocks in the bazaar area will not be damaged.
Interestingly, all shops in Namthang bazaar also downed shutters today, just like Yangang had done the day before when the Golay camp had organised a public meeting there.
SD Tamang, secretary, Byapari Sangh, Namthang, while speaking to NOW! today explained that the shopkeepers unanimously decided to shut down their shops as a precaution and also because “it was important to condemn the violence of 14 Oct when several shops and vehicles in the main bazaar were vandalised”. He also clarified that they were not asked by the SDF or any other agency to down shutters and that this was decision taken by the shopkeepers themselves.
Today was the last day to campaign for the panchayat elections scheduled for 03 Oct, Saturday.

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