
Friday, November 9, 2012

ASESEUA and Sikkim RTI Forum denounce attack

GANGTOK, 08 Nov: All Sikkim Educated Self Employed & Unemployed Association [ASESE&UA] has termed last night’s attack on the NOW! office as yet another attack on democracy by the Sikkim Democratic Front. The Association has stated that this is not the first time that the state has witnessed such an incident and alleged that every time the state administration and police have acted in a dissatisfactory manner.
Following the ruling party’s victory in the recent elections, there has been a total break down of law and order in the state, the release alleges. ASESEUA has further demanded that the Governor and the Union Government to immediately dissolve the state government and invoke Governor's rule “for proper functioning of the state at this present juncture”.
Also condemning the attack, Sikkim RTI Forum has stated in a press release that, “On 06th November the Governor of Sikkim said ‘Media is the light of Democracy’ and on 07 November, Sikkim NOW's office was attacked. We speak of democracy and we attack the wheel on which the very democracy moves”.
The Forum has stated that the attack on NOW office is not an attack on the "Press" but an attack on democracy itself. It has further stated that in order to create a healthy and informed society, a strong media is a necessity and under no circumstances will an attack on media be tolerated.

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