
Friday, October 12, 2012


With reference to your news reporting titled “Sikkim Women’s council discusses problems caused by new system governing LPG connections” and letter titled “LPG, A Big Problem”, appearing in October 10th & 11th, 2012 edition of your esteemed daily, it is clarified here that as pointed in the said report the STCS or for that matter, even the Government to of Sikkim have not introduced any ‘new system’ in the LPG service. This is beyond our jurisdiction. The new system has been introduced by the Ministry of Petroleum, Government of India and implemented by M/s. IOCL.
Moreover, this Corporation as a pioneer LPG distributor in the State has been appealing all such consumers who falls under the operational jurisdiction of new distributors to get their connections transferred accordingly since last year itself on several occasions. However, such consumers though registered with this Corporation still continued availing refilled cylinders from their distributors through STCS BLUE-BOOK. Transferring of connections has been made mandatory following the imposition of ceiling on subsidized cylinders. It is put on record here that had the affected consumers transferred their connection well in time, this situation would never have arisen.
However, for the convenience of affected consumers, a separate counter and service of an oath commissioner has also been made available at our Head Office with regular flow of subsidized cylinders from its godowns, both at Gangtok and Baiguney.
As claimed in the report, we are not insisting on ‘various documents’ but only one amongst the documents that substantiate one’s residential proof for obtaining new connection alongwith KYC available at our office.
It is further clarified here that in order to check mal-practice, not more than one cylinder at a time shall be issued against one BLUE-BOOK per person. STCS has already notified extra distribution schedules for Government employees.
For any queries or clarification, this office may be contacted any time while
We further appeal all our consumers to remain away from any kind of rumors making round. We ensure sufficient flow of LPG cylinders.
S. Gyamtso Pulger, Managing Director, STCS

1 comment:

  1. In all these years of the LPG cylinder being introduced in Sikkim, u still don't have a specific system of ordering the cylinder nor a mechanism for home delivery. tHIS i guess is one major problem. People buy it in black.....if possible blue and green also if they are desperate.
    In other part of India, booking of LPG cylinders have moved far ahead, where the consumer has a consumer number, then u simply call the IOC number and punch in the supplier's number and within three days u have it at your door step.....where is such a system there in Sikkim, wudn't be be wise for STCs to monitor these aspects ....and forger rumours ....isn't it a fact that cylinders run out regularly. STCs has to buck up and lay down rules properly.


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