
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

‘SDF disciplinary committee has taken note of Golay’s dissidence’


GANGTOK, 16 Oct: The paradox of the current political scenario in Sikkim, where the only political engagement on ground is between the ruling party and the disaffected from its ranks marshaled under a leader who continues to be an SDF Legislator, was rubbed in today when senior SDF office bearers commented at a press conference that the party’s disciplinary committee was closely watching the “anti-party” activities of its Upper Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang [Golay].
The party is seriously considering disciplinary action against its Upper Burtuk MLA especially after his name has been attached to the direct unleashing of violence against supporters of his own party at Namthang on Sunday, informed SDF vice president and South district in-charge former Minister GM Gurung today.
Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken at the appropriate time, he said.
Meanwhile, the party spokesperson, Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai reiterated that Mr. Tamang was the “mastermind” behind the Namthang attack on SDF party workers on 14 October and remarked that political violence was Mr. Tamang’s signature style.
About the incident, Mr. Gurung informed that he along with the area MLA, Minister Tilu Gurung, and some other party workers were at the Namthang party office on Sunday evening discussing the next day’s panchayat election campaign at Katang. It was then that they were informed [at around 7.30 p.m.] that a mob of Golay supporters were headed towards Namthang. “We decided to remain in the party office to avoid any direct confrontation on the streets,” he said.
Meanwhile, SDF party supporter Prahlad Gurung confronted the motorcade of Golay supporters and told them that while they were free to raise slogans in support of their preferred leader [PS Tamang], they should not raise derogatory slogans against his leader [Pawan Chamling] and party [SDF].
“The Golay supporters responded with unbridled violence instead,” Mr. GM Gurung stated. Prahlad Gurung was grievously injured in the incident and is undergoing treatment at CRH here at present.
The SDF vice president went on to contend that at least 20 of the attackers were “trained fighters” and definitely not from Sikkim. He further alleged that the inebriated [on drugs and alcohol] mob was instigated by the dissident MLA.
He added that SDF supporters displayed strong self-control and reserve in not retaliating to the attack with the same fury and remarked that had this restraint not been displayed, the clash would have ended much worse.
“Our politics is not based on violence and we respect the peace and tranquility which SDF party and the government have maintained here for the last two decades,” he said.
The SDF party leaders also agreed that the ferocity of the clash was so sever due to administrative slackness, pointing out that the administration could have arranged better security in the area and also checked vehicles more diligently at the checkposts, a procedure which would have led to the confiscation of several weapons from among the Golay supporters, the contend.
The SDF has officially appealed to party workers and supporters not to get drawn into violence being instigated by the dissident MLA and urged the people to approach the ensuing Panchayat elections for development.

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