
Sunday, October 7, 2012

SDF alleges attack on its party workers by anti-social elements

GANGTOK, 05 Oct: Sikkim Democratic Front has alleged that some “anti-social elements” claiming to be “supporters” of Upper Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang [Golay] attacked some members of SDF party last evening at Liching-Gethang in West Sikkim.
An SDF press release alleges that some anti-social elements attacked SDF cheli morcha West district In-charge, Sobhana Rai, party member Kamal Gurung and other members of the constituency level and district level committees at Liching-Gethang while they were returning from a meeting at Srinagi ward in Dentam constituency.
SDF has alleged that some people pelted stones at vehicles in which Sobhana Rai and Kamal Gurung were travelling and damaged these vehicles. This group also allegedly claimed to be carrying out orders given by their “leader”.
Those attacked did not respond to the attack as SDF party believes in peace and non-violence, the release claims. It is further added that among around seven attackers, few were locals while the rest were new faces.
The party has strongly condemned the act and demanded that the concerned department immediately take action against the attackers.

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