
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I was in line at the State Bank of Sikkim counter for “BR” at the SBS main branch Gangtok. It was really hard to stand for more than forty-five minutes in a single queue. It was time consuming for me and others who were standing as well.
A long row of people were standing in this queue for the whole day. I just want to suggest to SBS authority of main branch Gangtok to have at least two or more counters for issuing general BR, for the general public’s convenience. There were people who had come from far-flung villages of West and North Sikkim and for them wasting so much time for a simple Bank Receipt will force them to spend the night in Gangtok incurring further expense and time.
In the age of internet connectivity, technologically it should not be difficult for SBS to set up more counters and fasten the pace of work. If there are more counters, precious time can be saved.
Bikash Basnet, Yangang, S, Sikkim [recvd on email]

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