
Monday, October 15, 2012


Information on LPG Service for General Convenience
It is brought to the information of all the consumers that this Corporation had on several occasions appealed the consumers to transfer their connections with their respective new distributors.
However, only few of them have actually transferred the same. Had all the consumers transferred their connections in time, there would never have arisen the present situation of massive rush of doing so now. Imposition of the capping on cylinders by the Petroleum Ministry, Government of India has further made the transfer of connection mandatory for the consumers wherein all the LPG distributors are also required to compulsorily maintain record of both the release of cylinders and its consumers.
Nevertheless, we appeal to all affected consumers that there is no reason to panic while this Corporation is initiating every measure for timely release of TTV for transferring connections with their respective new distributors, which is under full-exercise now. It is pertinent to mention here that STCS being the foremost LPG distributor in the State, around 50,000 to 60,000 consumers are originally registered with it thereby making a very heavy rush of transfer cases coming now altogether. Given such rush and to make the matter easier and convenient, affected consumers are being provided coupon and date for collection of their respective TTV on that particular date, once applied. The procedure for obtaining TTV has already been notified.
Further, consumers like Hospitals, Schools, Mid-day meals, Sikkim Jail, Police and other Organization who posses block connections against one BLUE-BOOK are required to apply for TSV (Town Subscription Voucher) for availing continued service under Non-Domestic Category (Exempted) on the rate as notified.
It is further informed here that with the efficient exercise of the State Government, this Corporation shall continue releasing refilled cylinders to the affected consumers on production of BLUE-BOOK from Our 5th Mile Tadong, East Sikkim and Baiguney, West Sikkim godowns, till such time this entire transfer process is completely accomplished. Each blue-book/ connection is entitled to three subsidized cylinders during this fiscal year ending on March 31st, 2013. After the end of this entitlement, consumers may continue avail non-subsidized domestic cylinders on the rate as notified. Please do not use domestic cylinders for commercial purpose which is punishable under the law. Moreover, regular consumers falling under our area of operation should submit KYC form and obtain subsidized cylinder coupons obtainable from STCS office at Gangtok & Baiguney, or any of its distribution teams.
It is once again informed here that this new mechanism has purely been introduced by the Ministry of Petroleum, Government of India wherein, neither the State Government nor any LPG distributors like us has any stake in such decision. We only implement the policies / decisions taken by the Ministry of Petroleum, Government of India on such matter. We once again assure you that there is no reason to panic. Please pay no heed to rumors that only enhance confusions while this office or any of its officials may be contacted at any time for any queries. In view to the present rush of consumers, special care is being taken to cater to senior citizens seeking refilled cylinders as priorities by the State Government.

We once again request all such consumers to get their connections transferred with their respective distributor which has been made mandatory now. It is however without denying the fact that every new mechanism adopted comes across initial difficulties but always has beneficial effects in the long run.
“Help us to help you in turn with better and upgraded service”
(S. Gyamtso Pulger)

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