
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Road cutting debris blamed for muddy water supply

GANGTOK, 04 Sept: Officials at the PHE Department have assured that the murky and muddy water running in the taps here for the past few days is not contaminated. They also assure that the quality of water supply to Gangtok will improve in a few days.
The main reason for the muddy water is because one of the tapping sources for the alternative supply line drawn from JN Road to Selep water reservoir was bringing in huge quantities of slush that has washed into the source from the back-cutting works for a bypass road being constructed by the GREF there.
The enormous amount of debris excavated during the works was being spilled regularly off the road and into the alternate water source instead of being loaded onto trucks and disposed off in specified dumping areas. This has led to heavy rains washing all the debris into the intermediate water tapping sources along JN Road, officials inform.
In this regard, a joint inspection was carried out by officials of the PHE and the GREF at the concerned spot this Sunday after the same was pointed out by representatives of the department. It is learnt that starting yesterday, GREF has started removing the debris in trucks and dumping it elsewhere.
However, with the damage already done and still a major portion of the dumped spill from the excavations in inaccessible areas, the PHE has been forced to disconnect the water supply from this source.  
It is also informed that the PHE officials are in constant contact with BRO over the issue and the latter is cooperating with the department.
“The water quality at the main reservoir at Selep has been improving since we disconnected supply from the tapping source which was bringing in slush and debris as soon as our people recognized the reasons for the change in water quality,” stated the AE, PHE stationed at Selep Tanki.
It was also informed that water rationing is still underway in the capital mainly because of a 400 feet stretch of pipeline from the main source at Ratey-Chu to Selep being washed away because of a major landslide that has occurred at 8th Mile. The official informed that repairs are underway on a war-footing.
“The landslide is still active and the rains have not stopped. It is dangerous work, but considering the need to maintain constant water supply, our men have taken up the challenge to carry out the temporary restoration works. Some of the pipelines here are on 90 degree slopes with active slides above and rocks and trees falling constantly, it is a risky proposition for any worker,” stated the AE.
He also maintained that water supply to the many zonal water tanks in-and-around Gangtok is being done regularly and the supply from these zonal tanks to households is being carried out without any disruptions and at fixed timings. However, he stated that the duration of the water supply could fluctuate.
“I request all Gangtokians to bear with us as we are in the process of restoring the main water supply lines and also to flush out the already murky water from the main reservoir. The quality of the water will improve in a few days but the water will still be rationed till the water supply line is temporarily restored and the supply volume increases. Thus all should use water economically as we are bound by circumstances that we are working on day and night,” he expressed.    
It may be recalled that one of the two water purification filters at Selep Tanki had choked and repair work was being carried out by the PHE [reported earlier in 08 August 2012 issue of NOW! ].

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