
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pakyong police foil attempt to colour murder as accident

GANGTOK, 22 Aug: What was initially recorded as a UD [Unnatural Death] and suspected to have been a fatal accident, has now been converted by the Pakyong police into a murder charge and the two younger brothers of the deceased taken into custody on murder charges. The death of Deepak Tamang on 08 August had earlier been recorded as due to a fall from a height.
In fact it later emerged that the two accused brothers had attempted to bluff the police about the incident and pass it off as an unnatural death due to a fall. The two brothers, Passang Tamang, 28 and Purna Bahadur Tamang, 19, residents of Chalamthang, Pakyong were arrested by the police on 21 August after investigations led the police to believe that the death of Deepak Tamang was indeed not due to fall.
Investigations by Pakyong police, who had been suspicious about the nature of the case and injuries the deceased had sustained, reveal that the brothers had an argument and scuffle over the accounts of the money collected from the last rites performed by the family for their late father who is informed to have died recently.
As per reports the deceased, Deepak had come home on 08 August and had demanded the accounts of money collected from his mother. This snowballed into an argument with his younger brothers and then into a scuffle in which Deepak lost balance and fell, as he was under the influence of alcohol he had difficulty getting up. According to reports, Purna Bahadur then picked up a stone weighing about 6 to 7 kgs and smashed the face of Deepak twice with it leading to the death of the latter on the spot.
The death was passed off as an accident but the police had their own doubts and it is informed that the two brothers have also admitted to the crime.

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