
Monday, August 13, 2012

Allegation that SDF is behind dual citizenship charge against VC laughable



Sections of the media have recently levelled veiled charges that the Sikkim Democratic Front Party and more specifically its President, Dr. Pawan Chamling, are behind the statement of one Dr. Shiva Kumar Sharma, a resident of Sumbuk. He apparently had applied for a post in the Sikkim University and was denied the same. He has alleged that Dr. Mahendra P. Lama has dual citizenship.
We condemn this media writing as both false and mischievous. Let us trace the history of the ramification of this allegation.
Ever since India gained Independence 64 years ago the Citizens of this country of Nepali/Gorkhali ethnicity or descent have been time and again targeted as immigrants. Radical groups have indeed taken up cudgels. They forget that the community have given their blood for this nation many a time and will continue to do so. This issue comes up again since Shiv Sena MP, Anant Geete gave a statement in the House stating that there are 70 Lakh immigrants from Nepal in India during the debate on the Kokrajhar issue in Parliament on the 8th August.
However to settle this question we have two major movements in the course of this history.
One is the formation of Sikkim as the 22nd State of India in 1975 vide Constitution amendment and insertion of Article 371 F into the constitution of India. A large number of Sikkimese of Nepali ethnicity therefore in one stroke became the citizens of India. The others being Sikkimese of Lepcha ethnicity and Sikkimese of Bhutia ethnicity. There are a few Sikkimese of Business community also. Sikkimese is defined as those who have the original Sikkim Subject Registration Number and form. Descendents have the Certificate of Identity (COI).
The other movement is the demand for Gorkhaland which is in process. More recently the Bimal Gurung led Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) has taken office. Government of India and the West Bengal Government recognises the legitimate rights of the Indians of Nepali/Gorkhali ethnicity living in the Darjeeling hill districts as well as those extra areas carved out of the other parts where there is a domination of such people. It is worthwhile to mention here that our Party passed a resolution insisting on the formation of Gorkhaland in the Sikkim Assembly. This is no mean task as such an issue does not even fall under our jurisdiction. However, our support for the people of the GTA has been unwavering especially when it comes to the question of the Gorkha identity.
Hence this immigrants issue is a settled one.
However, it will continue to surface time and again because of the Indo Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed in 1950. The treaty allows for free movement of goods and people across the two countries and a close collaboration on matters related to defence and foreign affairs. This treaty also granted rights to Nepalese and Indian citizens to reside and work and even obtain citizenship in India and Nepal respectively.
Hence during the Maoist insurgency in Nepal large number of people did emigrate to different parts of the world to find work. Many have come into India as well and are living in India under the aegies of this treaty. This must be the answer whenever this question crops up.
Now the kind of allegation against Dr. Lama which is referred to is not new.
Ex Member of Parliament from Assam, Mani Kumar Subba, has been targeted for his citizenship issue. His case was even handed over to the CBI and is currently still in the Supreme Court.
Our President and Chief Minister of Sikkim, Dr. Chamling has been at the receiving end of this same kind of allegation. His case has been dismissed by the Delhi High Court. Allegations have been leveled by our own people and that too from Sikkim. In fact the effigy of his has been burned in Siliguri at the behest of these people.
The moot question therefore is where was the Gorkha Parisangh and other Nepali jati organisations when these cases were in full flow? Where were these pious thoughts which now they have for Dr. Mahendra Lama?
We therefore ought not to throw stones when the house is made of glass. This adage is perfectly made for this situation.
Hence the allegation that SDF is behind Dr. Sharma is laughable at best.
Dr. Lama assumed the position of the first Vice Chancellor of the Sikkim University thanks to our State Government’s efforts. The State Government’s demand for the Central University and insisting on bringing ‘one of our own’ as its first VC was acquiesced to by the Government of India. However, Dr. Lama failed to read the aspirations of the people of Sikkim. He therefore did not work in the best interests of the Sikkimese people. We have no other issue with him.
Dr. Sharma a PhD. in his own right and is a responsible member of the Sikkimese community. His allegation is to be dealt with even as others like M. K. Subba or Dr. Chamling have dealt with it in the past.
And all the fuss about insider outsider is media created and distorted version. The Sikkimese people have given their mandate and that too overwhelmingly to the SDF Party. In the course of the progress and development of Sikkim a large number of job and other economic opportunities have inevitably happened. The demand for skilled and other manpower will always be filled whether from within or from outside the State. Hence when the Party President and Chief Minister raises the concern that most of these opportunities are not being taken up by Sikkimese people he is making a statement which is of deep concern for the people of Sikkim. It is therefore telling the people of Sikkim that they have to work harder to keep these opportunities which is meant for the people of Sikkim within the Sikkimese fold. It does not have to be termed or described as anti outsider people sentiment.
Who will safeguard the interest of the Sikkimese people other than the party which has been given the mandate by the people? It is also the right and duty of every Sikkimese to do this by becoming competent and taking on the responsibility to do so.
We again condemn the veiled allegations as have been highlighted earlier against our party and President, Dr. Pawan Chamling.
[the writers are the Spokespersons of the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front]


  1. Isn't the claim of the govt on the appointment of VC falling flat....if they have a hand in it then how come after the term expiring also Lama jui is seen celebrating the fifth foundation day of SU with vim and vigour. How come the state govt hasn't insisted for a search committe for a vc of SU, we have seen no such thing in the newspapers which usually carries this aspect.
    And i do agree with theri grouse on the sikkimese being sidelined. the place is now filled with ppl from kpg, darj or his bhai bandis, esp in the admin section where locals can easily be absorbed. how come both the guys manning the system administation and the designers are not from sikkim.....we have plenty of young creative youths who have done computers and are good designers!!

  2. how come both the guys manning the system administation and the designers are not from sikkim.

    That is pretty sick personal targeting of you.

    Attack the system which appointed them, you petty moron.

    Attack the individuals who made such a system in the University, you online crusader.


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