
Monday, July 2, 2012

Assembly should discuss ‘real issues’: Nakul Das Rai

GANGTOK, 01 July: Former Lok Sabha MP, Nakul Das Rai, contended that instead of personal attacks and pointless debates, the assembly sessions should deliberate and discuss the real issues of the state. He alleged that instead of responding to issues raised by Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang, the other legislators resorted to personal attacks and unnecessary debate.
Addressing a press conference on Saturday, Mr Rai further alleged that even if someone just speaks in the assembly then it is taken as undemocratic. He added that Sikkim needs change and people’s voice should not be sidelined, and in this regard, he contended that Mr Tamang’s suspension on the last day of the budget session was ‘unjust’.
The former MP questioned that instead of pointing out Mr Tamang’s absence from the assembly till now the party leader should have corresponded with the MLA to seek out reasons for his absence. If such correspondence had taken place, then it should be made public Mr Rai demanded. He also commented that the CM’s allegations on Mr Tamang ‘misleading the house’ is not of the former’s concern but is the lookout of the Speaker of the Assembly.
Mr Rai further suggested training for the legislative members on correct parliamentary proceedings.
 “I was expelled from the party for alleged anti-party activities but the party has not been able to clarify till date about what my anti-party activities were. Mr Tamang, however, is openly opposing the party then why hasn’t the party expelled him as yet,” the former MP questioned.

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