
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Speaker issues ruling against ‘irresponsible behavior’ of members

GANGTOK, 27 June: In view of the interruption in the proceeding of the budget session today, Speaker K T Gyaltsen passed strict rulings that the House should not be disturbed by undemocratic and irresponsible behavior of members of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly. 
He said that the decorum of the house should be maintained by the members, all of whom, including the presiding officer are bound by the rules and privileges of the House.
Later, the Speaker passed the ruling that unparliamentary and uncharitable words will be expunged from the proceedings and directed the members to maintain decorum governed by the laws in the interest of the people and institution.
The Assembly saw a wave of loud exchanges when the Upper Burtuk MLA PS Tamang insisted on speaking beyond the allotted 15 minutes to members wishing to participate in the discussions on the annual budget and ignored the Speaker’s appeals to stick to the theme and not veer out of the context of the budget being discussed. Soon, several members raised loud protests against Mr. Tamang and the din continued for some minutes until the Speaker came down strictly and reprimanded all members to maintain decorum.

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