
Friday, June 15, 2012

Sikkim’s third through the UPSC challenge this year


Last week, NOW! published a parallel interview with two of the three Sikkim students who have cleared the UPSC exams this year. Tenzing Loden Lepcha completes the successful trio and although the plan was to publish the interviews of all three together, he could not be contacted in time for various reasons. Here we complete the conversation:

NOW: How does it feel to have cracked the UPSC exams?
TENZING: Thankful, thankful to God that I could make it through to the final list and then it’s a feeling of relief that the hard work that I have put in has brought dividends and then finally its sheer happiness.

How did you prepare for it? Coaching classes, number of study hours, the choice of subjects and so on...
Well, since I was working I could not attend any coaching classes; also, I had limited time at my disposal so my strategy was to ensure that I study at least 4 hours on weekdays and 7-8 hours on weekends. This was my work plan for the 1.5 years that I took to clear this exam.
Apart from the usual 4 hrs I ensured that whenever I had time at hand in office I would look at online materials for current affairs from websites like Wikipedia,, government websites etc. This helped me with my general studies content which is an important part of this exam.
From the optional subject point of view I took Public Administration and Psychology primarily because the subjects interested me and at the same time the materials for these subjects are easily available and this makes things simpler while chalking out the study plan.

What were the most difficult times for you during the preparation and the exam? How did you deal with them?
Preparing for civil services is one of the most interesting yet arduous processes that one can go through, the sheer length of the exam process and the uncertainty of the outcome at the end of it is taxing on your faculties both mentally and emotionally. Some days the preparations are really good and on other days self doubt creeps into your mind and you feel emotionally exhausted.
What is important is to constantly speak with your near and dear ones so that there is an avenue to release the negative emotions and get recharged to continue the preparations with motivation.
As for me I would constantly talk with my parents and my fiancée who has been an immense source of motivation and encouragement through this journey. They have been the cornerstone of my emotional strength and I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Considering not many from Sikkim opt or clear the UPSC exams. Was that discouraging or a challenge for you?
Well the thought never occurred to me when I started off as by then Agya Karma Bonpo ( IAS Sikkim Cadre 2010 ) had already got through the exams , but when I was thick into preparations the enormity and the difficulty level of this exams dawned upon me. So, yes the start was not much of a problem but what became challenging was the process of keeping myself motivated for this exam. Eventually by Gods grace, a bit of effort and my support system from my family, fiancée and friends I could make it through.

As a continuation of the earlier question, what made you take on UPSC exams considering it is almost seen as ‘impossible’ by most here in Sikkim? So, what was your motivation?
Well the reasons for starting the preparations was very personal, but as things progressed and I started to understand the importance of these services the feeling of being able to be a part of a system that brings about change and development was a huge motivating factor in itself. The prestige that comes with the job is also an added benefit. Lastly, getting through this exam would mean that I might get a chance to serve the people of Sikkim in a capacity that would be very satisfying and enriching.

What was the reaction of friends, family, even acquaintances when they first came to know that you plan to sit for these exams?
ENCOURAGEMENT, that’s the one word that would best describe the reaction of my family and friends when I decided to sit for this exam. After that it was all-out support in whatever way they could do like providing pep talk when I doubted myself, regular visits to Enchey Monastery on my behalf, getting certain documents attested so on and so forth.

Having been through it all, what advice or suggestions do you have for those in Sikkim who aspire or are preparing for the civil services?
All I can say is Believe in yourself, don’t think that there are 4 lakh candidates sitting for the exam, instead think that you are amongst that few thousand who are serious about this exam and as such you have the best chance of getting through. With this belief and attitude dive straight into preparations and keep communication with your support systems of family and friends. If you take this approach success will surely be yours.

Finally, what is life like post the dreaded exams?
Well, it’s not changed much; just that I am waiting for my Service allocation so that things get clearer and in the meanwhile I am serving my notice period in my current job which ends next month. Apart from that I am a bit relaxed , been catching up on some movies and the usual stuff and the icing on the cake is that as I am assured a service with the Government of India which makes these few months blissful! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to tenzing...i am also appearing UPSC exam and being enrolled with, and as i am a working employee and don't get enough time to prepare and to out for coaching, So i am always in search of online study material and information about upsc. Thanks for this post, You told us about your strategies and 1 more thing, Have I taken the right step by enrolling online?


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