
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Saga Dawa prayers at BL House

GANGTOK,04 June: On the occasion of Saga Dawa, the Sikkim Buddhist Duechen Organisation [SBDO], in collaboration with various other organizations and associations, organized a daylong prayer session here at BL House today. The prayers were held to “promote Universal Peace, Harmony and Prosperity”, the organisers inform.
Rinpoche Rigzin Duepa offered Kawang [ holy blessings] on Longchen Nyinethik to devotees from all over Sikkim. The auspicious occasion started with the offering of prayers along with Tshogs and butter lamps.
President [SBDO], Pasong Namgyal, informs that the SBDO in collaboration with other Buddhist and cultural organisations has been making endeavors for the past 28 years to observe Saga Dawa, “the most auspicious of the Four Buddhist Cardinal occasions [the other three being Chothrul Dawa-the 1st Lunar month, Drukpa Tsheshi-the 6th Lunar month and Lhabab Duechen-the 9th Lunar month] with various programmes to pursue noble service to all sentient beings by making a clarion call to announce the arrival of the opportune moment for all to earn immense merit”.
He further added that “Kawang” is incumbent on the person himself to make efforts to acquire or achieve such a state of enlightened mind. The resultant benefit will be a mind peaceful, content, happy and of generous disposition. Such a state of mind goes a long way to contribute in meeting the challenges of the present day turbulent world, he added.
Saga Dawa or the Fourth Lunar month of Tibetan calendar is considered to be very auspicious in the Buddhist world as Sakyamuni Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and passed into parinirvana in this month. The 15th day of the month is observed as Saga Dawa Duechen which this year falls on 04 June and any act, negative or positive is believed to have multiplying effect by 10 million times thereby influencing the resultant “Karma”[reckoning cause and effect].

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