
Monday, June 4, 2012

Saga Dawa greetings from CM and Governor

GANGTOK, 03 June [IPR]: On the auspicious occasion of Saga Dawa, which falls on 04 June, the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling and Mrs Tika Maya Chamling have expressed their warm greetings and best wishes to the people of Sikkim.
In his message, the Chief Minister said that this day marked the three important events in the life of Lord Buddha. On this day, the Buddha was born, enlightened and attained nirvana or moksha. The Chief Minister in his message has asked the people to follow the path shown by Lord Buddha to achieve harmony and brotherhood among all sentient beings.
Governor Balmiki Prasad Singh has extended his warm greetings to the people of Sikkim on the occasion of Saga Dawa.
In his message, the Governor says, “Saga Dawa is a landmark event in the life of Gautama Buddha and is the most sacred among the Buddhist festivals. On this holy occasion, let us all remember with reverence the teachings of the Buddha. He taught us to practice non-violence and Karuna in our lives. He wanted us to develop a spirit of rational self-enquiry. To him adoption of the middle path was essential to achieve harmony and brotherhood among all sentient beings. In this way of life, there are no divisions based on caste, creed, gender, and nationality.
On this day, I call upon all my fellow Sikkimese brothers and sisters to strive on the path of truth and righteousness, as preached by the Sakyamuni.”

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