
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Saga Dawa at Tashiding


Saga Dawa was celebrated in a grand style at Tashiding Monastery in West Sikkim on Monday.  A huge number of devotees from all over Sikkim, including school children, were present to offer prayers. Along with the regular Saga Dawa prayers conducted in the main monastery hall by the Dorjee Lopen and other monks of Tashiding Monastery, the occasion was made more special by the presence of Soktse Rinpoche who was conducting Tsog Bhum prayers along with nuns from his Tashi Choling nunnery at Khechodpari, West Sikkim, since 01 June 2012. Serdup Dungzing Rinpoche from Namchi was also present for the prayers.  The accompanying photo-essay captures moments from Saga Dawa at Tashiding with Soktse Rinpoche being followed by devotees, nuns and lamas and school students, prayers being offered in the main hall and local youth distributing tsogbhum prasad to devotees.

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