
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roads & Bridges Deptt gears up for monsoons

GANGTOK, 10 June: Keeping in mind the vulnerability the state highways during the monsoon onslaught, the Roads and Bridges Department has identified landslide prone areas across the State and deployed all required equipment and manpower to avert any eventualities and inconveniences that commuters might have to face.
Speaking to NOW!, Chief Engineer GT Bhutia informed that the department, considering the eventualities that may occur in the monsoon, has already allocated men and machines in all districts and sub divisions to avert any inconvenience to the general masses. Apart from that the department has also identified vulnerable areas for which the department has sought the assistance of private companies inclusive of their men and machines to keep the roads clear. The machines owned by the department like JCVs, excavators, dozers, along with man power has been deployed and no state highway connecting any district is blocked as of now.
He went on to add that the department has also identified few of the vulnerable areas of all four districts like 16th Mile near Jorethang, Ghorley Bhir, Bojek slip near Daramdin, Mangzing slip, Dhojok, Assam-Lingzey-Pakyong road, Salalay Khola, Duga-Pakyong road and many more which often create problems for transportation due to landslides.
Torrential rainfall for the past few days has been causing slides in many areas across the state blocking motorable roads but the department has been putting in every effort to clear the roads within no time of the blockages, said the CE.
Speaking on the condition of bridges, the CE said that, in the wake of the devastating earthquake on 18 September, 2011 numerous bridges across the state had been damaged following which the department carried out the safety arrangements of the bridges by engaging structure engineers or bridge experts from Jadavpur University, the experts also placed recommendations on remedial measures to be adopted along with suggestions on repair of a few bridges.
The experts conducted a detailed study of the state owned bridges and out of 212 state bridges 55 were declared vulnerable wherein the re-construction of the same is being initiated by the department, added Mr Bhutia. He mentioned that the re-habilitation of the identified vulnerable bridges is being done under the Prime Minister’s relief package.
With respect to the Toong-Shipgyer road which offers alternative connectivity to Chungthang, Lachen and Lachung, he informed that up-gradation of the same was approved and passed by the Chief Minister, during his 42-days village-to-village tour last year. The work order has also been provided to a cooperative society to initiate the work at the earliest.
Whereas with regards to the four major roads connecting South and West District proposed by state government and approved by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway amounting to Rs. 636 crores the evaluation and technical and financial bidding have already been completed, it is informed. The same has been forwarded to the minister for approval for the commencement of work and sanction, the CE added.

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