
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Only 7/65 teachers in West and 15/65 in South have joined duty thus far

NAMCHI, 31 May: The HRDD Joint Directors of West and South district today informed that out of the 65 Primary Teachers transferred to each of the two districts recently, only 7 have joined duty in West while 15 have joined duty in South till date. These figures were given by Joint Director HRDD West, CK Katuwal and Joint Director HRDD South, Bimla Rai.
There is obviously some miscommunication because HRDD officials here in Gangtok had provided different figures on Wednesday wherein it was informed that 35 had joined in West district and 30 in South district.
While speaking to NOW!, Joint Director, West, said that, transferred teachers are reporting to her office to obtain their places of posting as per the transfer orders and have been sent to the schools which are facing shortage of primary teachers. The Joint Director further informed that there are total 240 schools in West Sikkim including a monastic school which have primary level classes.
She added that there was a total shortage of 127 primary teachers in West out of which 7 posts have been filled with the joining of the recently transferred teachers. She also informed that following the implementation of the RTE Act, a total 55 Lower Primary Schools of West Sikkim were upgraded to Primary Schools which has also increased the teacher requirement there.
She further said that most of the primary schools in remote corners of the district were facing shortage of teachers and hence the department was focusing on the same. Welcoming the teachers recently transferred to West Sikkim she said “We just need teachers to fill the shortage even if it is through adhoc teachers. I can understand the problem of the teachers but for the well being of the poor and needy students we have to work together”.
Similarly, Joint Director, South, Bimla Rai informed that there are total 236 schools in South Sikkim providing primary level education and the district at present was facing a shortage of 136 primary teachers. Till date, 15 have joined duty following their transfer from East Sikkim, she informed.
She also appealed to the department that male teachers in the age group between 30-40 years be given preference for the transfers so that they can go to the rural schools of the district. In this regard, she mentioned that most of the teachers who have reported for duty thus far were female teachers and some of them had serious medical problems making it difficult to send them to schools located in remote areas.
Further mentioning that some of the schools in South do not even have a single teacher, Ms Rai stated that now she has managed at least one teacher in some of the primary schools of the district. Both the District heads of HRDD informed that most of the rural schools were facing shortage of teachers which is hampering the delivery of education to rural students.
Keeping this in mind they are requesting the teachers to take it as a challenge and come to such primary schools. They also welcomed and thanked those teachers who have complied with the department’s decision on transfers.

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