
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

NOW! completes 10 years of publication

Dear Readers,
It’s been a while since a letter to the readers, and this one comes as a message of gratitude. 
Today, NOW! completes 10 years of publication! The exclamation mark is as much by habit as to register genuine surprise over having been around for so long. Admittedly, ten years is not a very long time, but in newspaper years, it is almost middle-age. We might not be much wiser from the long years of publication, but we are definitely grateful to everyone – those who have patronised us with a decent readership, those who like us, those who couldn’t care either way and those who are critical of us. It is in all these responses that we find our relevance and the motivation to stay the course. The ten years have been a rewarding experience, and although all our shortcomings are of our own creation, anything half decent about this publication has been because of the expectations of its readers and the endorsement of our advertisers which keep us sharp and solvent respectively. Congratulations are also due to everyone who works at and with NOW! and everyone who has done so in the past and populates the extended family of this newspaper.
A message like this is normally expected to include some major announcement, but we will only reiterate our commitment to journalism and sign off with an assurance to return to some experimentation undeterred by the fact that not everything we have attempted in the past has succeeded.
Thank you all...


  1. Congratulations on your work done, but I do find the paper one sided most times!!! but carry on it keeps me up dated!

  2. Congrats, Editor Sahib and the team. You guys might appear one sided to people, but you are the only guys who have a sense of judgement, proportion and context.

    There is no point in being Don Quixote if you are tilting at Windmills. The journalism of courage is doing well by the space you have created for your self.

    So I would credit Now!, with sagacity and wisdom.

    1. wherz the courage in simple reporting!!! rather mundane...there is nothing earth shattering or new that comes out of NOw. Its just that its there in an online form so easy for every one to go through once!

    2. you are right. NOW! should now close shop and allow the stronger journalism of prajashakti, himalayan mirror and sikkim express to inform the people. This paper is such a waste, the most expensive and only 4 pges of plack and white and most of its staff, including the editor, is not even from sikkim. go back, i would say

    3. i think NOW! is very much the brainchild of its editor. so i would credit the person more than the rag.
      the path-breaking effort in Sikkimese journalism was the Weekend Review. In terms of design, the language and the quality of the reportage it set out newer benchmarks.
      of course something gave and the paper folded. NOW! replaced it. and the rest, sadly is not history.
      however this i will give to NOW! its editorials have depth and insight. there is also a breadth of vision. the only grouse i have is that it veers towards prolixity. it is as if the editor just cannot his control his urge to be verbose.
      also someone mentions something about the 'stronger journalism' of other papers. perhaps he inhabits a different world or has subscribed to some other editions of those papers that ordinary mortals cannot access.
      lastly a case is made about the fact the editor is from outside.
      perhaps others too have noticed it. which means, he has gotten away with much because of his name.
      either the local like anonymous 4 are too dim or they are more racist than they themselves realise.


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