
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The much awaited appearance of PS Golay, the MLA of Upper Burtuk Constituency in the first day of the budget session of Sikkim Legislative Assembly failed to spark any fire. The usually sparse attendance from among the officials, public, media etc drew a full house. All chairs were occupied to full capacity and all eyes were fixed on Mr Golay. Whispers were going around of him posing question(s) during the zero hour. But I guess that was asking for a bit too much from the man who had gone on "hibernation" for more than 2 years. As claimed by his supporters, the man who is supposed to bring "change" to Sikkim sat unassumingly in the House. But one thing noticeable to all the spectators was his attitude and behaviour when the Chief Minister re-entered the House after seeing off the Governor, all the members stood up as a courtesy to the Leader of the House. But Mr Golay remained fixed to his chair. Is that called defiance? But I guess, when you are a member of this pious House in the State, certain courtesies and manners are expected of its esteemed members! One must not forget that the Chief Minister as the leader of the House represents the people of the State. A leader should first should know how to respect the electorate, the supreme power in democracy, ie the people.
The recent statements of Golay supporters demanding a clarification from the SDF President's 'vested interest' slur on them seems quite frivolous. Everyone is aware "these so-called Golay loyalists" were till very recently in the SDF party till it served their personal interests. Most of these hagglers were small time contractors "reaping benefits" bestowed on them. As soon as their whims and fancies were overlooked, they started hobnobbing with the dissident MLA. So, where does the question of clarification arise?
As for the statement of Shri Tseten Lepcha, the former Minister of calling the Chief Minister "uneducated" and misleading the people, how many people will buy it? A callous statement coming from a senior politician shows his narrow-mindedness. Perhaps, Mr Lepcha must have forgotten his emotional speech at MG Marg during the Income Tax issue in 1997 when he compared Mr Chamling to Guru Rimpoche between his uncontrollable sobbing!!! Lo and behold! Today the same person is regretting his folly of choosing Mr Chamling as his leader. Does it mean Mr Lepcha was so naive and took a wrong decision in comparing the Chief Minister to the guardian deity of the State? If so then he should be guilty of blasphemy and burn in the fire of guilt. But has he ever expressed any 'guilt' over this incident? In fact, not a word has been uttered.
Democracy gives freedom to every individual and the persons I have named above have every right to express themselves. However, simultaneously, they also have their duties. As members of the opposition (I term them opposition and not party(s) as they do not have a single member in the Assembly), they should give 'constructive criticism' and restrain themselves from making statements which make mockery of themselves. Let us hope this is the case in the coming days of the Assembly and Mr Golay makes at least "a guest appearance" and rise (pun intended for his behaviour!!!) above such pettiness.
Recvd on email [name withheld on request]


  1. it is strange that the writer of this letter has chosen to keep himself anonymous.
    the tone and tenor of the letter leaves little doubt as to where that individual's loyalty lies.
    it would be understandable if someone from the pro-Golay faction would have chosen to remain hidden for obvious reasons.
    that the writer of a pro-Chamling epistle has chosen to keep his identity under wraps speaks volumes about that one's insecurity.
    perhaps intelligent that he is, he has seen the writing on the wall?

  2. That was my first reaction too when i saw the name with held, but then as Sikkim and its politics goes everyone is scared to come out in the never knows how the tide will flow in the next elections and politicians by nature are vindictive!!!!if not the politician himself then his lackeys will make the persons life miserable. But the crux of the matter is Golay did come out to grace the SLA and he seems hale and hearty and extremely happy!!!! didn't look hounded!! let him not raise earthshattering questions let him just be around look and to learn and observe the Sikkimese nature and attitude who stands against the wind!!!!


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