
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Educational Framework of the 21st Century: In Need of Change

Binod Bhattarai
A few days back, I received a text message regarding the queries of our Chief Minister to improve the educational standard of schools in Sikkim and how to overcome the negative fallout in society like AIDS, drug addiction, unionism, Casteism, unethical politicking etc. First of all, I am really happy with his concern regarding his state and its people. And I respect his promise of “I shall rather die than betray my people”.
Regarding his concern about the improvement of educational standard in the State, it’s a well established fact that not only in Sikkim but India as a whole is going downhill in science education and research despite relatively huge increase in funding and being the major technical manpower supplier for IT and global research community, successfully undertaking Moon mission and so on. I am wondering how we can regain our lost glory and improve on it so far as our science education and research is concerned. Below, I am mentioning some remedies which came to my mind that was being asked as suggestion for the improvement of educational standard in the state:
To Ensure Quality Education and Nurture human development of highest calibre:
Not only in Sikkim but the entire Indian Education system is in great trouble. Several children do not even get a basic elementary education. The rich and upper middle class in cities find decent quality private schools to send their children to. Even in these schools, getting a pass in the exams is the priority, not proper value-based learning. Even these schools fail in teaching various arts, and in particular common sense knowledge to the children. Both, the private and government schools in smaller towns and villages are uniformly pathetic. These are some of the faults I find in the current education system.
Further improvement in Education system:
The system of education should be learning-centric rather than exam-centric. Change the education system from the primary level onwards (reduce work load, put more importance on physical activities, encourage original thinking etc). Children must be allowed to choose subjects according to their interests. Instead of gaining knowledge from voluminous books and lectures, children must be made to interact in groups (with the help of a teacher) and express their views on various topics. Taking notes from the teacher and textbooks is also important, besides children must be made to research information on their own from library books and the Internet and share them in the class. This will help them develop good reading habits, self-confidence and openness to criticism. It will also help them in developing critical reading and analytical skills. Children will be able to remember what they learn when they apply it practically. They must be taken on field trips to museums, labs, planetariums, excavation sites, botanical gardens, etc. where they can learn by interacting with knowledgeable and experienced people in varied fields. It will also help them improve their communication skills.
Role of Teachers:
Teachers are the real nation builders of our Country. They are the actual yardstick that measures the achievements and aspirations of the nation. The worth and potential of a country gets evaluated in and through the work of the teacher. The people of a country are the enlarged replica of their teacher. On them rests the failure or the success of the system. If the teachers are well educated and if they are intellectually alive and take keen interest in their job, only then is success ensured. They are the people who set good examples by the words they speak and the actions they take. Students tend to copy the behaviour and mannerism of the teachers. A teacher’s entire personality reflects on the minds of the students. If the teacher is honest, leads a balanced and disciplined life, the children adopt these virtues as an ideal conduct unconsciously. The ideal teacher is one who through his thoughts, words and deeds, gives an impression of an honest upright life which can serve as a model for the students to copy, follow and emulate.
In Indian tradition, the teacher is put on the highest pedestal along with one's parents and even higher than the God one worships. The ancient saints sang “Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwar; Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha” (Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru). Due to long and continuous domination of religious and spiritual features of Indian life, the teacher has been playing a key role in Indian education, and even in the modern educational system, the teacher is considered as the most important component of the education system. In the present day, a teacher’s role remains as critical as ever and plays a major role in implementing the policies and schemes formulated to achieve a breakthrough in the quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education.
Each student has his/her own unique talents, capabilities but it requires encouragement and nurturing from the individual and environment for it to sustain. It shall be the primary duty of a teacher to understand them (as it in Bollywood movie Tare Zameen Par where, a teacher identifies his student’s problem as dyslexia) to be just, courteous, to promote a spirit of enquiry, fellowship and joy in them, not to do or say any harsh word that would undermine their personality, not to exploit them for personal benefits and to set before them a high standard of character, discipline and personality. Every teacher should strive with heart and soul to raise children upto highest levels of perfection to such a degree so that every one of them will be trained in the use of mind in acquiring knowledge, in humility and humbleness, in dignity, ardour and love.
A teacher should possess knowledge of the fundamentals of the subjects he teaches. He should have a sound academic and cultural background. He should have a sound social philosophy and he should make his best contribution to the society. He should know how to adjust himself to the social surroundings in which he lives. He should not be quiet, retreating and introverted.  He should be free from worry, anxiety and thinking and feeling about himself. He should mix well in society to have a large body of friends and to take a helpful interest in his neighbours. He should be Punctual, honest and frank, tolerant, kind, fair and straight-forward so that he/she can stimulate learning.
It shall be primary duty of a teacher to set an example in citizenship, to endeavour to promote the public good, to uphold the dignity of calling on all occasions, to size up the demands and aspirations of the society, to be dynamic leaders when required and to be ideal followers when desired.
Role of Parents:
Parents have a vital role in their child's education. They are their children's first teachers. Every parent likes to raise their child to become a brilliant individual to face the challenges in this competitive society. Parenting is an important task in everyone’s life that we may get only one chance to get this right. Parenting differs according to the nature of the parents. Some stressful parents are putting too much pressure on their child and in turn the child will become a stressful child. Some of the parents will be authoritative; they are called as Authoritative Parenting and they will force their children as per their wish. Overall, all the parents like their child to grow up and be able to lead a comfortable life.
Parents should also learn a moral lesson from Hindi movies like ‘3 Idiots’ and ‘Tarey Zameen par’. Nowadays every person is in a rat race. Every parent has a dream about the profession of their children. Parents want their child to be doctors, engineers or pilots, whether their child likes it or not. But it is not possible for every ward to become a doctor or engineer. They may have a liking for other things instead. But few parents understand this. Parents should take into account the personality of their children, to encourage those activities in which they are successful, because in this way, we strengthen their confidence, they create a sense of achievement and motivation to try the activities they have less success doing. If the child likes to swim, parents should encourage her/him to exercise more, learn the styles of swimming, instead of asking her/him to learn to ride a bike if she/he doesn’t like that. If a child achieves success in swimming, she/he will gain extra confidence and probably will want to learn to ride a bike as well.
It is from parents that children learn about their culture, norms, rules, values, gain language acquisition, and so forth. Parents play a very valuable role in their children's education: in and out of the classroom. Because of the reason, parents need to take on the challenge and provide their children the tools they will need in order to be successful in school and life. Education does not only involve knowing the content areas in school. Education involves learning how to be a productive member of society, it involves how to behave in social settings, it involves learning how to figure everyday problems, and so much more. By talking to their children, parents can help them increase their vocabulary, they help their children in their receptive and expressive language, and they help their children feel empowered. Also, parents who talk with their children build lasting positive and strong relationships.
Responsibility of Students:
The role of student in a society entails various things. Firstly, to concentrate on studies so that they can develop into well-informed individuals who make significant contributions to the society in future. Students should make proper use of their time and never shirk their duties. Secondly, to pass on whatever knowledge they have to others. This can take on many forms ranging from helping their siblings to creating awareness about social, ecological and environmental issues such as corruption, ecological degradation, global warming etc. Thirdly, to act as responsible adolescents. This means to steer clear of any unlawful activities. It also involves not damaging the society and avoiding acts of vandalism. Students should try and refrain themselves from all such activities for their benefit as well as the society's. An ideal student must not dabble in dirty politics which is responsible for most of the ills of the youth nowadays. He should bear in mind that student life is the time of preparation for struggle ahead- not the time for actual struggle. Fourthly, to do what they can to protect their environment and society. Students should avoid littering places and should try to invest a few hours into community services if possible. Students should also behave respectfully to the elders of the society and take care of their needs i.e. help an elder to cross a road; stand up and make space for an elder to sit if there is none.
[concluding part tomorrow]

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