
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Casino Mahjong donates Rs 1 lakh to Blind School

NAMCHI, 10 June: Ugen Ladakhi and Bikash Chamling of Casino Mahjong, Mayfair Resort, Gangtok,, today donated Rs. 1 lakh to the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Institute (Blind School), Boomtar, Namchi. A cheque of Rs. 1 lakh was handed over to the Principal JNMI in the presence of BDO Namchi, Bimal Rai, Joint Director, DHH, Durga Pradhan and AEO HRDD, Radhika Rai.
While addressing a formal programme organized here at the institute, the duo said that, they have been involved in such social service for many years with the ultimate aim to help the poor and needy people of the state. Here they said that, they want every corporate house and individual to come forward, stressing that even the smallest contribution extends huge support for such genuine institutions and NGOs.
While sharing their views, they further said that corporate houses earning in the soil of Sikkim should come forth to contribute and also urged locals who were earning well from their respective businesses to contribute.
Mr. Ladakhi said that besides donating Rs 1 lakh to this institution, they have also decided to help the blind school in the long run and said that in the near future they will be using 5% of the profits from their business for charity work. He added at this stage their business was not making much profit but in the near future it will definitely provide them profit and will strengthen their will of charity.
He highlighted that Chief Minister Pawan Chamling is helping the needy with scholarships to the poor students which is strong example and should serve as a signal to corporate houses and individuals to help the needy.
The BDO Namchi, who is also the general secretary of JNMI said that, the donation provided to the institute will be utilized in vocational training. The students will be provided with training on khada painting which will help them to be self reliant in the near future, he added.
On the occasion, the Casino Mahjong duo also resolved to sponsor 5 students at the institute for whom they have committed a fixed monthly contricution and also announced a Rs. 1 lakh contribution for the victims of the recent Rolep landslide. They will hand over the cheque to the concerned authority there, soon it was informed.
The principal, JNMI Jeewan Rai thanked them for their contribution to the institute and welcomed their friendship with the physically challenged.


  1. applause for the Robin Hoods...

  2. yea....after destroying well established families with gambling, time to do some philanthropic works!! let more of thses instance come!


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